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Again, I turned on the bed, unable to fall asleep, and stared into the darkness.

He hates you. An annoying voice recited once more in my head. One reason I'm still unable to fall asleep. Sure, he hates me. Who wouldn't, especially after the way I'd abruptly ended the time we could've spent together. I'd driven quietly back to the ceremony where we'd left Chidera and Eze. Even after we got down from the car, I hastened my steps in, my way of avoiding him. The ride home was in silence. The moment we got down; I repeated the same thing. Chidera even tried to get an explanation from me, but I wouldn't talk. I preferred it that way.

A sigh left my lips the moment I laid on my back and stared at the ceiling.

Well... when I'm with her it's like she's tensed up and when it seems like we're heading somewhere with our conversations, she... she abruptly leaves. His words replayed in my head, and I hated myself even more.

Oh, how I wish everything was so simple. How I wish we could talk, get along, smile, be happy and free to feel the way we do? But... I'm scared and worried. Something is wrong with me. I don't know what it is, but it doesn't feel like it's stopping soon. I'm already forced to watch Cergio die every time I close my eyes, and I don't think I could take it if something like that happens to him in reality.

"It's just a crush." I whispered to myself, even though deep down, I knew he wasn't just that. I laid on my side, scared to fall asleep and hoping this night will be different. No more nightmares. I fought and fought the sleep, but in the end, I fell asleep.

Again, I woke up in a scare, panting and sweating. My body was quivering, especially my hands. After catching my breath, I looked at my side to realise Lota was not there. She must have woken up before me. Daytime was back. Finally, I dragged myself off the bed and towards the bathroom. I opened it only to meet Lota, held by the same masquerade, a machete to her neck.

My eyes widened.

"Sister Kasie..." Her words trailed away as he slit her neck and the blood spurt onto my face. I screamed my lungs out.

Again, I woke up in a scare. Panting as my heart raced nonstop, fueled by fear and panic. I looked to my side. Lota wasn't there, and I looked outside. It was daybreak. Am I dreaming? Is this still a dream? Quickly, I got off the bed and opened the bathroom door to realise it was empty. She wasn't there either. What other way is it planning to torture me? I have to find Lota.

I hurried my way out of the room and then down the staircases.

"Lota." I called as I searched around for her. "Lotachukwu." I called her name in full before I ran into the kitchen and there she stood by the sink staring at me in surprise. I hurried to her, embracing her right away.

"Are you alright? You're not hurt, right?" I queried desperately, and she shook her head at me.

"I, I'm fine." She replied, although still puzzled by my behavior. I looked at her all round, trying to be sure she's really not hurt in any manner.

"Kasiemobi." I turned in the voice's direction to meet aunt Ruby staring back at me with a surprise expression and by her side was mum with a similar look in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Mum asked as she walked up to me. I stared at her for what felt like a good minute. My mouth opened, but no words came through. I wasn't sure about what to say.

She placed a hand on my forehead.

"You don't seem to have a fever, but you're sweating so much. What is the problem? Did you have a nightmare?" Mum asked the moment she brought her hand down from my head. My eyes slightly widened at her mention of the word nightmare. This feels real. This has to be real. I'm really awake.

"I-I'm fine." I stuttered a bit, but she only narrowed her eyes at me.

"You ran out of your room screaming Lota's name."

"I-I thought something happened." Wrong explanation.

"Something happened?"

"No, it's nothing. I was only trying to find out where she is."

"Without putting on your slippers?" She mentioned, and I looked down at my bare feet. Alright, I suck at lying.

"I forgot, but really, I'm okay." I assured her, trying my best to smile and cheer her up. Mum wouldn't smile as much as I would prefer, or at least buy my story.

"Excuse me, I'm going back to my room." I told her before walking past her, towards the door. For a second, I stopped and looked back to see Lota. I smiled, faint and brief, before turning away and running back towards my room.

I hurried into my room and shut the door behind me. Alright, enough is enough. Really, I'm tired of playing games and I need answers. I picked up my phone from the bedside table, took my seat on the bed, turned on the mobile data and went to Google search space. For a second, I thought about what to type.

What does it mean to have a recurring nightmare of a masquerade? I typed into the search box and within a second, several results came through, most of it talking about masquerade balls, which clearly isn't what I'm in for. I scrolled all the way down and back up. Finally, a reply caught my attention, and I clicked on it. It redirected me to a page on Facebook. I began reading what seems to be an article or a reply. By the end of reading, I couldn't help but squeeze my brows in confusion. This can't be it. This talks about witchcraft and something about household bondage. Who wrote this? I searched within the page until I saw the name. The title pastor was in front of the name.

I lifted my eyes off the screen, majorly confused about what to think, believe, or even do. This was much mysterious than I actually imagined. Could my problem really be spiritual?

A little violently, I shook my head. It can't be. Why would it be? I know I'm not a hundred percent religious, but I attend church once in a while and I don't involve myself in anything relating to pagan deities. The article talked a little about enemies who might feel upset enough to inflict such a thing on a person. Well, I don't recall upsetting anyone enough to burden me with such nightmares.

To be honest, I don't as so much believe in all this, but this country is very religious and people do crazy things. I've involuntarily had to listen to various testimonies or witness strange deliverances. It's all confusing. I've never been sure about its realism.

I let out a sigh as I set the phone down on the bed. What am I going to do? Even the internet isn't very helpful and I'm even more confused.

Maybe it's this village. A voice in my head mentioned and suddenly, there was a new glimmer of hope as realisation settled in. That's true. These crazy nightmares started after I got here. Something in this village is doing this to me. I don't know what it is, and I really don't want to think much about what demonic or evil persona could be responsible. Perhaps... it's finally time to push forward with the escape plan.

I mean, I don't have to take my luggage if it'll make my family ask several questions. They're just clothes and I can buy more. All I need to do is secure a safe transport route to get to the airport in Owerri. Yes, it is best I leave as soon as I can and I'm not eager to find out what next might happen.

I stood on my feet and walked to the window. Slightly, I shifted the cream translucent curtain to peep a view into the compound. The male gardener was busy with watering the plants within the compound while another male swept. We tasked the driver with washing the cars, and my gaze shifted to the guest house.


He most probably hates me already. Maybe it's best that way. I'm a mess and it's wrong of me to drag him into my mess. If only I have the least idea of what I'm into, then maybe... no... it'll most probably be the same. He'll still leave after the wedding and I'll return to my work in Calabar. It would have never worked out.

A sigh left my lips as I lowered my eyes in sheer regret and frustration. Funny, it's really not written in my stars to be happy. I guess this is my life and... I'm stuck with it.

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