five - "I tried to win your heart."

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"What do you have in mind, Your Majesty?" Hanseo asked curiously, standing next to the desk. It was already midnight and Yeonbyul was still in her office, taking care of the paperwork.

"I feel like having instant noodles with His Majesty. But I'm hesitating because I feel like he would push me away, " The Queen answered, leaning back against her chair.

The court lady looked at Yeonbyul sadly, "You don't have to hesitate, Your Majesty. The King is your husband. You have the right to spend time with him. How about I order the head chef to make instant noodles right now and we'll go to His Majesty's chamber straight away."

"Thank you, Hanseo. But I would like to make the noodles myself. No need to trouble the chef."

Yeonbyul put on her cardigan and went to the kitchen, greeting the chefs that didn't sleep yet.

"Your Majesty, what brought you here?" One of them asked. She smiled and walked towards the stove, "I wish to cook noodles for me and my husband. No need to help, I want to cook myself."

"Yes, Your Majesty, " they all backed down and left the kitchen, leaving her with Hanseo. The court lady brought two packets of instant noodles and watched as Yeonbyul put them into the pot.

"His Majesty would be so thrilled seeing his favourite noodles being cooked by you, Your Majesty."

Yeonbyul smiled to herself and turned off the stove, inhaling the noodles scent. Hanseo helped her put them into a bowl and on the tray, carrying them to Heeseung's headquarters.

His butler greeted them in surprise, "Your Majesty, what brings you here late at night?"

"I wish to spend time with my husband. I know he's not sleeping yet because he always sleeps at 3 am."

The butler and the court ladies looked at each other before lowering their gaze, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty. The King has gone to Lady Haesun's chamber an hour ago."

Yeonbyul dropped the chopsticks she was holding in shock. She forced herself to smile and sighed, "That's okay. Enjoy the noodles then. You all must've been starving this whole time."

She left his headquarter. Hanseo bowed at the butler and gave him the tray before scurried towards Yeonbyul.

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"Your Majesty..." Hanseo lowered her gaze in fear. Yeonbyul walked back and forth in her room, feeling angry and sad, frustrated. All of those feelings at once. She was disappointed in herself for not going to Heeseung's chamber earlier.

But even if she goes there earlier, he would still insist on sleeping with Haesun. She laid on the floor and spread her arms and legs, exhaling heavily.

"Your Majesty!" Hanseo tried to get her up in panic, "The floor is not clean, Your Majesty!"

"I need to think."

She got up and frowned, "Why can the King cheat? Why can't the Queen keep a concubine for herself? Why is the law so selfish? I don't want to get hurt alone."

Hanseo thought for a while and sat on the floor next to her, "Why don't you have a secret relationship with anyone, Your Majesty. You are good with secrets so I'm sure no one will ever find out."

"But the problem is, I'm not interested in anyone. I'm too in love with Heeseung, " Yeonbyul frowned and laid back on the floor. Hanseo laid next to her, "The ball is coming in a few days. Why don't you find someone that suits your taste there?"

"I hope so. If there's someone who fits my ideal type."

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Yeonbyul ate breakfast in the dining hall silently, enjoying her time alone. She and Heeseung always eat in their room or office so the dining hall was always abandoned. But she decided to eat there since she wanted to stroll around the palace, watching the workers do their work.

The door opened revealing Heeseung with messy hair and still in his pyjamas. She glared at him and fixed her posture, ignoring him.

"What's for breakfast?" He asked sleepily. She rolled her eyes and wiped her mouth with a napkin, "I don't know. You could eat your mistress like how you did last night."

Heeseung choked on his drink and coughed continuously before wiping his mouth with a napkin. Hanseo turned around to hide her laugh. He glared at the court lady, "I wish to be alone with the Queen for a while."

Hanseo bowed before leaving the dining room with the butlers. Heeseung glared at his wife, his left hand clenching a fork, "Excuse me?"

"Do it loudly next time, the North Kingdom can't hear you."

He scoffed and looked away, leaning back against his chair, "Are you jealous, Your Majesty?"

"Why would I be? If I'm jealous then I would stop the concubine approval earlier."

Yeonbyul kept her resting-bitch face and sat up straight, eating her bread silently. Heeseung got up and walked towards her with a clean napkin, "Do you want to know how we do it?"

She glared at him but didn't want to lose by showing him that she was a bit scared. She froze in her seat, feeling shivers up her spine. Her husband tied the napkin around her eye area, blindfolding her. He leaned forward towards her neck, "I blindfolded her eyes like this..."

She felt tickles near her neck, feeling his warm breath brushing against it. He held her arms above her head, "Then, I tied her hands like this."

Yeonbyul got up and took off the blindfold, "I don't have time for this. You are a King, you should have manners in the dining room. Now is not the time to do inappropriate things. If you'll excuse me, I have some work to do."

She stomped away from the dining room, leaving him alone. Heeseung scoffed and sat back down, "She's totally jealous."

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