Part 10

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(Alex's POV)

Jake and I have moved on to the Oasis bar after our steak, keen as we were to get away from Rain and Alpha Ray who were still in the restaurant when we left. Secretly I was hoping Emily and her friends would be here but they've obviously decided to hit a different club. I'm trying not to smother her when she's out even though it's been nearly two hours since her last message and Firenz is getting antsy.

Just as I'm debating whether to send a quick 'Having fun?' message my phone lights up with an incoming video call.

I answer it instantly to see my girl smiling and dancing, "Hey Alex, where are you? I miss you!" She shouts down the phone whilst still swaying to the beat of the techno dance music going on around her. I can't help but smile back at her. She's clearly had a few.

Suddenly one of her friends appears within view. "Oh look, it's Em's boyfriend! Hey Mr the-best-she's-ever-had!"

"Oh my god" Em screams, whipping the phone back around and pushing her friend away, "Shut up, ignore her, she's drunk, she doesn't know what she's saying."

But none of her words can wipe the grin from my face, not only because Em told them I'm the best she's ever had but also because I was referred to as her boyfriend.

"Looks like you're having fun." I say back to her but she just looks at the phone in confusion, "What??" she yells, "I can't hear you. There's music." She says gesturing around her. As she does so a random guy emerges behind her and appears to start trying to grind up against her. Instantly my hands form fists and tension grips my shoulders. Em frowns at him and shakes her head, pushing him away from her. Trying to not let the red mist descend I focus on the little screen in my hand to see whether the guy has backed off and Em is ok.

There's some jerky movement before Em's face reappears, "Hold on I'm just going outside, I can't hear you." She yells again as she moves away from the dance floor and through an exit.

Suddenly the music disappears and Emily seems to relax as she finds herself in an empty alleyway outside the club.

"That's better, it was too crowded there."

"Where are you? Are you ok? Was that guy bothering you?" I feel a hand lightly on my arm as Jake beside me reminds me to calm down.

"I'm fine, he's gone, we're at Omnia, at Caesar's. It's awesome. Where are you?"

"I'm at Oasis with Jake."

"Oh right, do you fancy joining us?"

I'm out of my seat before she's even really finished the sentence, "Hell yeah, I'll be there in ten."

She laughs loudly but then abruptly stops, distracted by something going on out of view of the camera on her phone.

"Em? Emily? Are you ok? What's going on?"

But she doesn't answer, still frozen in shock and staring at whatever it is behind the phone. She takes a careful step backwards, eyes betraying fear. "Alex" she says quietly as she steps back again. She reaches behind her for the door she just came out of but it's swung shut and there's no handle on the outside. Now a real look of fear flashes across her face and then suddenly the phone tumbles as I hear Emily scream.

Utter panic fills me and I take off with Jake behind me. Racing through Oasis and the hotel lobby I'm practically sprinting down the strip. I still have the phone in my hand but the screen is just darkness and I can't hear anything. Still I scream Emily's name.

Avoiding the front entrance I dash down the side towards the back knowing Emily took a fire exit to escape the noise. As I spin round the corner my eyes take in the scene before me. Emily pressed up against a wall with three werewolves snarling infront of her. With an angry growl I unleash Firenz, shifting in midair as I charge towards them. I feel Jake shift behind me taking my left flank. I snap at the nearest wolf and slash at it with my front claws, twisting us around so that I now stand between them and Emily. At the sight of an angry Alpha and Beta the three smaller wolves don't put up any kind of fight, taking off back down the alley without any hesitation. Jake's quick to follow, mindlinking me that he's got it and I should stay with Emily.

Quickly turning back to my girl I search her body for signs of injury. She's still shaking with fear and as I take a step forward to comfort her I realise why. 

I'm still in my wolf form. 

Oh shit.

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