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Chapter 39: The Poisonous Butterfly, Part 4


"What is it?" Bai Lan furrowed his brow at Liu Xiao and sheathed his sword. The puppet woman retreated again, struggling to stand on her two shattered wooden legs.

"This..." Liu Xiao moved closer to the puppet woman until only a meter separated them. The puppet woman emitted a piercing shriek and lifted her pallid wooden hands to release another torrent of venomous butterflies, but Liu Xiao seized her wrist firmly. His words left the puppet woman dumbfounded.

"You... Who did this to you?"

The puppet woman began to sob, yet her glowing eyes remained dry, devoid of tears, resembling a lifeless wooden marionette existing merely as decoration for the world. As she parted her tinted lips to speak, only disjointed sounds emerged: "U-Uaahh... Urrkkk... Krrrrr."

Liu Xiao's brow furrowed in confusion at her peculiar manner of speech. Gently, he grasped her chin and peered into her mouth, discovering the absence of a tongue. It appeared as though it had been deliberately omitted during her creation, or perhaps cruelly severed long ago. With a sigh, Liu Xiao posed another question: "You don't intend to harm us, do you?"

The weeping puppet woman paused momentarily before giving a slow nod. Sensing no threat, Liu Xiao relaxed his hold on her wrist and withdrew his hand from her chin, though they continued to keep their distance. "You are human, aren't you?" he asked. Once again, the puppet woman nodded in affirmation.

What the fuck, what is happening?! Why are they putting mortals in the demon cult leader position?! This woman isn't strong at all, and from the beginning, I never felt a large amount of killing intent toward her, as if someone were putting strings all over her body to control her. Someone was controlling her!

Liu Xiao immediately stood up and walked into the area enclosed by plain, bright red curtains. There, he observed blood-red strings attached to the puppet woman's body. However, once she stepped out from behind the red curtains, the strings became transparent. This was the reason he had not noticed them earlier.

The puppet woman was making a wailing cry since, earlier, she had no tongue to speak, so she gave us a sign by crying. I thought she was angry at us for trespassing on her domain, but she was actually telling us to stop! These red strings were controlling her, and she was trying to fight back to break free!

I'm starting to doubt who's the real evil here. Liu Xiao massaged his temples before drawing his sword to sever the blood-red strings. A loud thud echoed from outside the red curtains as something wooden struck the ground. Pushing aside the curtains, Liu Xiao discovered the puppet woman lying prone, her body jerking erratically like a malfunctioning wooden marionette.

Approaching her, Liu Xiao observed that although the puppet woman was dazed, she was still alive; her golden eyes flickered dimly as her body continued to twitch. Feeling remorseful, Liu Xiao sighed deeply. He channeled spiritual qi into his dimension ring and transported the puppet woman's body inside.

Turning to address the five individuals behind him, his gaze first met Wu Qingge's, who stood aloof in a corner with arms folded, returning his stare. Liu Xiao gestured for him to step outside temporarily, and Wu Qingge acknowledged with a nod before vanishing amidst a shroud of black-purple fog.

Liu Xiao then directed his attention to the remaining four, who appeared confused and anxious. Clearing his throat, he announced, "Listen, everyone." As they awaited his continuation, Liu Xiao emitted another profound sigh and proceeded.

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