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Chapter 48: The Demon Mermaid; The Serpent of The Sea, Part 3

The mermaid's laughter rippled through the ocean, but Chen Yi and Luo Xiao weren't amused. They cursed quietly and tightened their grip on their swords as a swarm of enormous, eerie fish encircled the black and purple ship. With their teal eyes glowing and razor-sharp fangs glistening, they looked like they were ready to make a meal out of the ship's occupants.

Shan Ling glanced nervously at her whip, infused with spiritual energy, then back at the others. "What do we do now, Jiejie? I'm really scared."

Chen Yi clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Come on, don't let those fish scare you."

Shan Ling pouted. "But look at those fangs! They're practically on top of each other! If they bite me, I'll be minced meat!"

Chen Yi frowned, her irritation growing. "So what's your plan?"

Shan Ling hesitated, then looked at Chen Yi expectantly. "You'll protect me, right?"

Chen Yi's face flushed with frustration. "No way. I'm better at defense. You should be protecting me with your offense!"

Shan Ling blinked in surprise. "Okay, I'll guard you, Jiejie."

Chen Yi shook her head in exasperation, then stepped forward to the ship's edge, raising her hands. A burst of yellow spiritual energy emanated from her palms, swirling around the ship and forming a sturdy barrier that emitted a warm, golden light, momentarily blinding the approaching demon fish.

Turning back to the group, Chen Yi spoke calmly. "Barrier's up. Let's stick to long-range attacks for now, until we're out of this mermaid's domain."

Shan Ling spoke up. "What about the demon mermaid? Should we try to take her down?"

Chen Yi raised an eyebrow. "We have no chance. She's an ancient guardian beast, gifted by the gods to protect the sea. We can't defeat her."

Liu Xiao and the others fell silent. Essentially, they were facing the possibility of death tonight, whether it be by the fish, the water, or the demon mermaid. Escaping the sea domain and ensuring their safety took precedence over confronting the strongest demon cult leader, the former guardian of the sea.

Before they could devise a plan, the sturdy yellow barrier trembled loudly, and faint scratching sounds emanated from below. Liu Xiao peered over the edge of the ship and spotted the massive demon fish. Some were ramming into the barrier, attempting to breach it; others were gnashing their sharp fangs against it; while still others lurked in the shadows, waiting for an opening.

Their teal, luminous eyes flickered even brighter, then dimmed momentarily upon contact with the resilient barrier. Liu Xiao drew his sword, ready to unleash a barrage of spiritual waves, when Bai Lan's voice cut through the tension from behind.

"Liu Xiao, don't be foolish! Lie down and let us handle this! You barely survived summoning a mystical creature, and now you're eager for another battle?"

Liu Xiao remembered the precarious state of his spiritual core and the risk of worsening his condition by recklessly expanding his spiritual energy. He chuckled wryly. "It looks like my tank's only half full right now."

Obtaining a spiritual core was a rare feat, one that few individuals ever experienced. When a person acquires a spiritual core, their soul merges with it, becoming one within their being. It was an invaluable gift, one that brought unparalleled power and responsibility.

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