CHAPTER 28: Her Bold Confession

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||CHAPTER 28: Her bold Confession||


25th of October, 2014.

"Good morning, gorgeous."

"Good morning, Ian." I smile, staring into his beautiful blue eyes.

Once Ian's arms were around my waist, he brought me close, thus pressing his bare frame against mine. Then, before I can blink, his lips are upon mine, kissing me with force and hunger. "Your lips taste like strawberries." He said, softly.

I giggle, "Oh?" I smirk, before sitting on Ian's lap, I look at him. "Someone's a little eager." I tease, referring to his....friend? I lean towards Ian, and kiss him as I grind against him in a sensual manner. As a result, him and I moan into the kiss.

"God." He groans, thrusting his hips upwards in a desperate manner. "Tia, s-stop teasing me, It's c-cruel and unfair."

At the sight of his vulnerable state, I felt control and slight power which is what I was in love with. "Well, keep begging and I might consider." I chuckle. I begin to place light kisses against his neck, before nibbling at the junction. Later, after 2-3 minutes, I stop. "There." I mutter, looking at the small bruise that was forming. I begin traveling south, to his collarbones, his chest, down to his beautiful abs, and-

I stop.

"Tia, Ian, please wake up. Breakfast is on the table, not in-between one another's legs."

I look at Ian, observing his face turn crimson red, "She's one embarrassing grandmother." He said, grumbling under his breath.

"Hilarious grandmother." I correct, laughing

Without a second thought, I stood from his bed. Since I didn't want to wear the clothes I wore last night, I start sauntering in direction of his walk-in closet, hoping to borrow his clothes to wear, which I do over and over, after we finish having sex.

'I need to start packing clothes when I come over.' I think.

"Nice ass." I overhear Ian declare when I step into his walk-in closet.

Ignoring him, I search through his fourth drawer, which was in a bad state. "Men." I grumble, as I select a black long-sleeve shirt . "Ian." I exclaim, "You remember the pink lace, victoria secret's underwear I forgot. Where is it?" I ask.

"Oh. It's in the first drawer to the left." He instructed.

Twisting to the left, I open the first drawer. "A rare Real Madrid jumper?" I gasp, at the sight of his maroon jumper. 'I wonder, will Ian realize if I steal his-'

"Don't think about stealing." I hear his deep voice mumble, huskily.

I leap in surprise, "Jesus Christ." I squeal, turning around to face Ian. "You shouldn't scare people!"

"You shouldn't be thinking about stealing clothes." He retorts, smirking.

"I-I wasn't, I was looking for-"

I stop mid-sentence when Ian presses his lips against mine. "Stop talking." He said, through kisses. After Ian's arms wrapped around my bare waist, before pushing me against the wooden drawer. Breaking the kiss, he started leaving kiss after kiss on my neck.

"Ian, Tia. You two better be down in the next five minutes or I am coming in!"

"Ian." I moan, "Your grandmother will enter in if we're not at the breakfast table, stop."



After eating breakfast, Ian and I bid his grandparents farewell before walking toward his car.

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