CHAPTER 1: Tia Frederick

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||CHAPTER 1: Tia Frederick||


It is the 3rd of February, and it is my first day at St. Jude's College.

The sound of heels tapping through the halls bounced off of the walls. It was quiet; the only thing that I heard was the whispers of girls as I walked by. They looked at me with jealousy and some possessively clung to their boyfriends' arms. The boys looked at me with awe as they elbowed their friends suggestively.

A slight smirk made its way onto my face; they certainly know a hot girl when they see one.

Whispers like, 'Fuck, she is hot', Damn', and 'She must be a model' spilled out their mouths, but it isn't a surprise to me?

I am Tia Frederick.

I walked along the hallways of my new school, admiring it. There were certainly some very attractive guys here. What more does one need? Spotting the door to the main office, I strutted off towards it, feeling confident and excited for my first day at St. Jude's College.

The office was grand with a desk for the receptionist. "Hey Mrs. Lowe," I smiled politely. "I am here for my schedule, please."

She looked up from her computer. "Oh, Tia, dear, it's lovely to see you again. I'll print it right now."

She looked at her computer once again. "Tia Aaron, Tia Conner. There it is, Tia Frederick." She smiled. I assumed she clicked the print button before rolling her chair backwards, towards the printer. "Here you go sweetheart, your class is MEN05. The students there are lovely, you don't have to worry about not fitting in." I smiled gratefully at her.

"Thank you, Mrs L. Can I call you that?" She nodded happily, giving me the thumbs up. "Cool. I'll see you later," I bid her goodbye as I made my way outside.

Not fitting in? Like that was going to happen.

At my old school in New York City, I was the popular girl. I had many, many titles. 'Miss Cool', 'Miss Hottie', 'The Schools' Sweetheart'.

Most importantly, the one title I was proud of having, the one I will never, and I mean never, give away, 'Miss Player'

I know I shouldn't be proud of such a title, but I am never going to give it up.

"Locker number 048," I read. I twisted the knob and with a click, it opened. I shrugged to myself. "The lockers here are good."

"You do know that talking to yourself is the first sign of mental problems, right?"

I let out an audible shriek, gaining a few looks.

"I'm sorry, did I frighten you?" I could hear the amusement in his voice. His accent was not Australian, more like, French.

I spun around and studied the masculine figure up and down. His tall frame towered over my petite body. He had unruly light-brown hair and nice tan skin. Definitely. Now what I had to figure out was; is he a nice guy or a player. I'm going to go with the latter.

"Hello," I winked seductively. This caught him by surprise; I could see it in his eyes. "And, you are?"

"My name is Terry Henderson, it is nice to meet you." he bowed slightly. "What's yours?"

"Tia. Tia Frederick. You're very cute." I smirked, leaning forward. Raising my hand, I used to my index finger to trace small circles on his neck. He involuntarily shivered at my touch. This was my first step. If they shivered, then they were weak, thus making them an easy target. Every boy shivered under my touch, I hadn't met one who didn't.

But all of a sudden, he took a step back and looked at me sternly. "I'm in a relationship," he said, holding my wrist, before placing it down. "I'm the welcoming committee."

I narrowed my eyes at him. A guy who respects his relationship? You don't see that every day, but I am no better. I can say that I have slept with guys who have girlfriends. I'm horrible, but I don't care.

"Welcoming committee?" I questioned, stifling laughter.

"Okay, not really but my friends and I saw you," he chuckled, pointing to a mixed group. They must be the popular group, and the popular group is where I belong.

I looked at Terry eagerly. "You should introduce me to them, then."

"Let's go!" He grinned.

"Introducing, Tia Frederick," he said as we reached a group crowding around a specific locker. "Tia, I would like you to meet my close friends." They looked up at me blankly, taking my features in.

"I'm sure your friends have names." I giggle, causing a faint blush to appear on Terry's face.

"Hello, I am Taylor!" A girl with light purple hair exclaimed. I grinned at her, nodding my head, and before I could greet her back, another girl stepped forward. She placed her manicured hand on Terry's shoulder, warning me to 'Back off'. Her dark, brown hair cascaded down to her shoulders.

"I'm Danielle, but the people I like, call me Dan," she said in a hostile voice, "I am Terry's girlfriend."

My smile faltered a little before it brightened up again. "Oh my, I'm sorry for flirting with him." I pout apologetically.


"You have a loyal boyfriend," I said, feigning a smile.


She looked me up and down before shrugging. "It's okay," she said, though her tone suggested otherwise.

Then, another boy spoke up. "I'm Matt." He winked. His blond hair was messy; I could find myself running my fingers through it. "And, this is Ian." Matt referred to the shy-looking boy next to him.

"Hi, Tia." He shuttered.



And Ian.

These three boys were on my list.


This is the Chapter 1 of The Nerd Is A Player


Now I haven't introduced the MAIN CHARACTER....yet. He will be in the next chapter because I wanted one chapter that mainly focuses on him, Logan Sutherland.


Love, E. V. M.

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