i'm scared

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The next morning was nerve racking, both Emily and jay woke up at 5am just so they could go to med before shift without anyone seeing them, "you feeling alright?" Emily looked over at jay. He nodded with a small smile, "excited, you?" He kept his eyes on the road. She smiled but shrugged, "I'm scared" she admitted. He smiled and grabbed her hand with his spare hand, "we're gonna be okay, no matter what" he nodded and quickly glanced at her. She smiled and nodded with a small shaky breath, even though the two pregnancy tests both said 3+ weeks, they wanted to know how long exactly since that isn't really much of an indication.  It was now 6am when they arrived at med, the only people who knew so far were Natalie manning since she was obviously about to do the exam, and Kim.  When they find out today how far along she is, then they'll tell will.  Everyone else has to wait until they hit the 12 week milestone, just in case anything goes wrong.

                  "Hey nat, nobody else knows about this, right?" Jay smiled weakly as they walked through the ED to get to a more private room, "everything that goes on between us right now, is confidential" Natalie smiled.  Emily smiled at jay, her sweet smile, which made jay smile too.  Natalie nodded, "alright, so you took two tests right? Both were positive?" She looked at Emily.  Emily nodded, "yeah" she smiled nervously.  Natalie smiled, "well it's highly likely that you are pregnant in that case, but I just wanna check that everything is normal for both you and the baby, we can't tell you the gender yet obviously but you will know how many weeks along you are" the doctor nodded.  Emily smiled, "I wanna take a few blood samples first, they take longer, then we'll get on with the scan" Natalie nodded.  "Alright" Emily smiled at Natalie then at jay, this is really happening right now...

After Natalie had taken a few blood samples she left the room and got them up to the lab, "why're you cringing? I'm the one in the hospital bed" Emily laughed. Jay shrugged and sat up, "needles are a no go" he smiled and leant on the side of the bed. He smiled down at her and placed a hand on her stomach, "there's a mini me in there" he laughed to himself. Emily smiled at the pure joy on his face, he's going to make a great father. Natalie walked back in with a smile on her face, "let's see your baby then huh?" She nodded.  After preparing for the ultra sound it was finally time, "I won't lie, this is gonna be cold" Natalie smiled.  Emily laughed and squeezed jays hand tightly, there was a moment of silence where both detectives were scanning Natalies face for any signs of worry. 

                 But when the smile crept across Natalies face they both visibly relaxed, "there you have it, a healthy developing baby" Natalie nodded at the screen.  Jay let a tear of joy roll down his cheek as Emily let out a shocked laugh, that tiny thing is inside her, how cool... Jay smiled, "there's no heartbeat..." his breath hitched worriedly.  Natalie shook her head, "not yet there isn't, a baby's heartbeat isn't visible on an ultrasound until the 7th or 8th week, which means you're not that far along yet" she smiled at them both. Emily looked up at jay with a proud smile on her face, this is their pride and joy right here. Natalie smiled, "now I can't tell you for sure how far along you are until the labs are back but I'll let you clean up and I'll talk you through everything when I come back" she nodded. "Congratulations both of you" Natalie added and pulled Emily into a hug, she then gave Jay a hug and left the room to go see where these labs were.

"Alright, the labs are back and you are roughly about 6 weeks along which is what I expected, so you'll be glad to know your baby is healthy and so are you. Everything looks normal" Natalie smiled and sat down on the chair, both jay and Emily were sat in normal chairs now. The pair let out a relieved sigh, that's great news, "now, onto the tricky part" Natalie laughed. Emily smiled as jay squeezed her hand. "So, from now until week 28, I'll schedule you for routine checkups every four weeks. But I do want to check up on both you and the baby during the 12th week, that way you can tell who you want if your planning on waiting for safe measure" Natalie nodded. Emily looked at jay, "yeah, we wanna be sure everything's alright first" jay smiled.

"Perfect. That's normal and smart" Natalie smiled. "After you've hit the 28 week milestone, routine check ups will be every two weeks until the 36th week. And for the last push until the baby arrives, it'll be a weekly check up routine" Natalie added. Emily smiled, "sounds good" she nodded. Both of them smiled at the doctor as Natalie handed them some brochures, "now, I'm assuming you've already started the morning sickness?" Natalie smiled weakly. Emily sighed, "yeah" she nodded. Jay cringed, he's glad he doesn't have to suffer that. But he feels sorry for his fiancée who unluckily has to. Natalie smiled, "yeah it's not great, believe me, but it's just like normal sickness. It wears off eventually and some days are gonna be worse than others. Mood swings are perfectly normal too, so jay watch out for those I'm afraid" she laughed.

"As for the things you need to avoid, food wise, it's all in the brochure. But it also means no more regular coffee or alcohol" Natalie smirked, she knows how much Emily loves her morning coffees. "If you're gonna consume caffeine I suggest decaf coffee, but only in moderation. Waters going to be your new best friend for the next 9 months" Natalie added. Emily smiled, oh lord, no coffee? God help her... "any questions?" The doctors shrugged. Emily nodded, "uh yeah, when will i start showing?" She smiled. Natalie smiled, "it's hard to say since it's different for everyone. But it usually has a pattern. Women who have a lower body weight, with a smaller midsection, tend to start showing at around 12-13 weeks, which should be the case for you" Natalie nodded. Jay smiled, he cannot wait...

"So, you're free to go, and here are you scan pictures" Natalie nodded after answering their questions. Emily smiled and accepted them before the pair started lovingly at them, that's their child right their... Natalie smiled, "enjoy it as much as you can" she gave Emily a quick hug as jay disappeared out of the room, "I'll try" Emily laughed. A few seconds later jay reappeared with Will trailing behind him, "woah, who got shot this time?" The red head shook his head sarcastically since that's usually the case, and it's usually his brother. Emily laughed and shook her head as jay placed his hand around her waist, "we're having a baby" the brunette man smiled. Wills face dropped, "no way, really?" He accepted the scan pictures from Emily's hands. Emily laughed, "really" she nodded. Will was shocked, "wow, gosh, well congratulations to you both... does anybody know?" He pulled them both into individual hugs.

"Just you, Natalie and Kim" jay shook his head. Will nodded, "waiting until 12 weeks?" The red head smiled, "yeah" Emily laughed contently. Will smiled, "well, I'm happy for you both, and I cannot wait to meet this little one. Mollys after shift?" He nodded happily and pointed to Emily's stomach. Jay smiled, "sure" he nodded. Natalie smiled as the pair left the hospital, "it's really happening" Emily held onto jays arm and smiled. Jay nodded, "it is" he laughed in disbelief. Once they got into the car jay fell somewhat serious, "maybe we should tell voight too" he sighed. Emily furrowed her brows, "I thought we were waiting?" She tilted her head. Jay nodded, "we are, I want to, but he's our boss and he's in charge of your safety, our safety..." he rubbed his thumb over her jumper.

"Yeah, you're right. I don't wanna risk getting hurt..." she sighed. Jay smiled, "hey, it's your body em, you decide when you go on desk duty, but the second you start to show I'll tie you down to the chair myself" he laughed. She smiled, "copy that" she giggled. He smiled and sighed, life great...


"Hey sarge, you got a sec?" Emily tapped the door after their 10 hour shift had ended and everyone was gone.  Hank looked up and nodded, "of course" he signalled for her to come in.  He furrowed his brows when jay followed her into his office, "everything okay?" He nodded suspiciously at them.  Jay nodded, "yeah we just have something to tell you" he smiled at Emily who was already smiling.  Hank nodded and sat up in his chair as Emily reached forward to hand him something.  He unravelled the pictures to see that it was indeed a baby scan, "you two?" He looked up with a small smile.  They both nodded at him, "wow, congratulations" hank laughed and stood up. He gave Emily a sincere hug, and jay a bear hug mixed with a firm handshake.

"How far along?" Hank smiled, "six weeks" jay nodded. Emily smiled, "well, you've got a lot ahead of you, does anyone else know?" Hank nodded. Jay shrugged a little, "just you, will, nat and Kim. We're waiting until 12 weeks, or until she starts showing at least" he laughed. Hank smiled, "well I'm sure you know the drill but as soon as you start showing, desk duty it is" he nodded at Emily, "copy that" she laughed knowing jay said the exact same thing. After talking for a while the pair left, "mollys?" She smiled, "no alcohol for you..." he hummed teasingly. She rolled her eyes and groaned, just great. Looks like the wedding will have to wait...

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