Part 1 Dawn

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With the wig finally off, Coco and Philo felt more distant to me. Thank God.

Even so, because it was sitting beside me, I could still see them. Clearly. In my head. Don't ever mix juju with technology. There is witchcraft in science and a science to witchcraft. Both will conspire against you eventually. I realized that now. I had to work fast.

It was just after dawn. The sky was heating up. I'd sneaked out of the compound while my boyfriend still slept. Even the house girl who always woke up early was not up yet. I hid behind the hedge of colorful pink and yellow lilies in the front. I needed to be around vibrant natural life, I needed to smell its scent. The flowers' shape reminded me of what my real hair would look like if the wig hadn't burned it off.

I opened my laptop and set it in the dirt. I put my wig beside it. It was jet black, shiny, the "hairs" straight and long like a mermaid's. The hair on my head was less than a millimeter long; shorter than a man's and far more damaged. For a moment, as I looked at my wig, it flickered its electric blue. I could hear it whispering to me. It wanted me to put it back on. I ran my hand over my sore head. Then I quickly tore my eyes from the wig and plugged in the flash drive. As I waited, I brought out a small sack and reached in. I sprinkled cowry shells, alligator pepper and blue beads around the machine for protection. I wasn't taking chances.

I sat down, placed my fingers on the keyboard, shut my eyes and prayed to the God I didn't believe in. After all that had happened, who would believe in God? Philo had been in Jos when the riots happened. I knew it was her and her wig.

A technology I had created. Neurotransmitters, mobile phones, incantation, and hypnosis- even I knew my creation was genius. But all it sparked in the North was death and mayhem. During the riots there, some men had even burned a woman and her baby to death.

A woman andherbaby!

I didn't want to think of what Philo gained after causing it all. She never said a word to me about it. However, soon after, she went on a three-day shopping spree in Paris. We could leave Nigeria, but never for more than a few days.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry," I whispered. "I meant well." I opened my eyes and looked at my screen. The background was a plain blue. The screen was blank except for a single folder. I highlighted the folder and pressed "delete."

I paused, my hands shaking and my heart pounding in my chest.

"If this doesn't work, they will kill me," I whispered. Then I considered what they'd do if I didn't finish. So many others would die and Nigeria would be in further chaos, for sure. I continued typing. I was creating a computer virus. I would send it out in a few hours. When they'd both be busy. Then all hell would break loose...for me, just me. Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.

My name is Rain and if I didn't get this right, the corruption already rife in this country would be nothing compared to what was to come. And it would all be my fault.

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