12- Ian

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Tawny talking to me like she was above me pissed me off. But even though it angered me, I'm more than surprised at how much I enjoy her talking back to me. And the more and more she shows she won't allow me to boss her around, the more drawn in I am towards her. Of course, I like a good challenge now and then, but Tawny, however, is one hell of a challenge that I never saw coming. And now I need to figure out how to make her succumb to me.

The longer I sit at my desk, thinking of Tawny and what she does to me, the angrier I get with myself for how I've treated her within the last year or so. And as much as I'm still upset at myself for admitting how I feel about Tawny to her, I've come to realize I can't be upset with her kicking me out. And the more I stare at my over-filled drink, the more I think about everything I've done and said to Tawny. I've given her every damn reason not to be around me. And the entire reason she insisted I leave the other night.

All my mind can do right now is focus on Tawny and her luxurious ass when she bent over again, asking that I kiss it.

So fucking tempting.

Actually. It's very fucking tempting.

But because she's mentioned kissing her ass on numerous occasions and has bent over for me a few times asking that I kiss it. So I'm now wondering if she's taunting me on purpose.

She's testing me.

And she's testing to see how far she can go with me.

I looked down at the full glass of scotch and the plate filled with pineapple Tawny brought me. And as I stared at the pineapple, my eyes narrowed into slits, wondering what the hell she's up to. I reached for a chunk of pineapple, popped it into my mouth, and the second I started chewing it, my mind began wondering if she added some sort of poison to it, hoping it'd kill me. Thinking she did poison me, I spit the pineapple into the palm of my hand, then brought it up to my nose and smelled it. Not smelling anything abnormal, I popped the chewed-up chunk back into my mouth, swallowed it, then popped another piece into my mouth, washing each piece down with scotch until I realized I ate the entire plate of pineapple Tawny had given me.

I don't even know why I ate it, and it's not that I'm hungry or anything. But what makes it even more strange is that my entire life, I've never liked pineapple. And I'm sure it's because of her-little Miss Tawny Piper Kincaid. And the only possible reason I can come up with is that she placed a spell on me. A spell...

That'll explain everything...

Tawny placing a wicked spell on me only clarifies how she's on my mind: twenty-four-seven. And how I can't stop thinking about her gorgeous face and her beautiful-looking body. I also wonder every day what she'd feel like lying beneath me as I move my cock inside her—taking her to a land of milk and honey where the streets are paved with gold—an idealized place of idyllic magnificence and beauty-paradise. A stunning, magnificent world she never knew existed.

Hoping to rid my thoughts and erase the visions of Tawny's long legs in her shorts, I shook my head.

I closed my eyes, squeezed them tight, then I looked at the door.


She's still there.

The only way to get her out of my head is to drink more scotch. So I stood, wrapped my hand around the tumbler, picked up the empty plate, then rushed to the bar to see Jemma.

Only... it wasn't Jemma. It was Tawny working behind the bar.

I scanned the room, saw Hannah wiping and table down, and walked over to her. "Where's Jemma," I groaned, trying to avoid looking at Tawny.

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