23- Tawny

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I was shell-shocked when Ian mentioned who was at his art soiree, wishing to meet me and how they were anxious to see my work. I was also at a loss for words after he told me what he had also done-leaving me speechless the entire night.

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever see my artwork become something of an art dealer or even a museum would ever want in their hands and for them to show and advertise to the world. And because of the surprising events that took forth tonight, I left Ian's museum in shock.

I'm also feeling in awe about the whole ordeal that I can't stop replaying in my mind everything that happened. Including the interaction, I wished I hadn't witnessed between Ian and his ex, Alexandra. Meeting her intimidated me for some strange reason. And I don't know why.

After learning everything about Alexandra from Hannah, and the little Ian had mentioned about her, one would think she'd be easy to blow off. But after seeing her, I can see why Ian was with her, why he loved her, and why he had a hard time letting her go-she's absolutely beautiful.

Scratch that.

Alexandra isn't just beautiful. She's overly and amazingly stunningly gorgeous. Someone, a well-known magazine, would put on their front cover and title her as the most beautiful woman in the world.

I know Ian's ex shouldn't cause me to feel threatened, especially after knowing Alexandra's married to Jefferson Thomas, but I do. And it's not like me to feel threatened or jealous by a woman-an ex of a man I'm dating. I'm a much stronger person than how I'm feeling at the moment. And I'm embarrassed by these crazy thoughts and feelings that when Ian asked what I was thinking, it ashamed me to want to admit what was on my mind.

However, the names Ian chose to call his ex made me smile and laugh. I also felt better after agreeing with him by my calling her a bitch as well. I may not know Alexandra personally, but from everything I've heard about her and seen with my own eyes, she truly deserves every name Ian sees her as.

Although as much as I'd like to hear Ian say he's officially over his ex-fiancée, I'm not in the mood to discuss anything more about her, so I'm glad he changed the subject. After Ian gave me one of the most unforgettable nights I've ever had, I'd hate to end this night by us fighting over a woman who'll never be Ian's again-a shitty relationship that had ended between them years ago.

But I agree with Ian. We need to end this amazing night with a bang. So, because of what Ian did and how he made me one of the happiest women in the world tonight, instead of repeatedly thanking him, I'm showing him how appreciative I am for what he did for me.

The moment we entered his home, and he closed the door, I shoved him up against it, crushed my lips to his, and showed him how hungry I was for him. Then, as our tongues wrestled, fought, and tangled with each other, Ian gripped either side of my shoulders where he desperately tried but failed to take control of the moment.

With our lips locked together, he groaned, "What do you think you're doing?"

I smiled and purred, "I'm the one in control tonight. Not you..." I latched onto his bottom lip using my teeth, then tugged while looking him in the eye. "Do you have a problem with that?"

"Yeah, I do," he sternly said, then with a grin, he warned, "I'm the dominant one, not you. Your role is to submit to me."

That's what he thinks...

My lips curved upward, and then with my eyes locked with his, I slowly shook my head. "Not tonight, mister," I informed. "Tonight, the roles reversed, and you're going to submit to me."

Before he could say anything, I pressed my lips hard to his, then bit down on his bottom lip and pulled hard until he chuckled. "I don't think so."

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