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a/n : finally the dark side of Conan...is it weird that I love this version of him lol also the video 😩i simp for animated billie so call me a weeb if u wish 🙄

yall sorry i wrote this a few hours after the vid was out so this↑ kinda sounds weird 😫

y/n pov

I started to think carefully about the miserable situation I was in. The whole stalking thing was already unbearable, but the fact that my boyfriend did that, above everyone else, broke my heart. But, there was no time to cry right now. I have to escape from him. But...how? Should I make him to not like me anymore? Even after that...a stupid part of me still said that I liked him. 'Shut up.' I told to that inner voice inside my head. I was in a dilemma. In order to live, I needed to escape from the person I love the most, but I also can't live without him. I was way too obsessed with this curly haired boy. I clenched my aching forehead and forced myself to sleep. 'Maybe...I can act my way out.' I thought and slowly fell asleep.

Conan pov (flashbacks...)

Y/n. The love of my life. My only, true love. I first saw her in front of my favorite coffee shop, and I soon fell in love with her. I even wrote a song about her, called 'people watching'. Since that day, I began...following her. It didn't take me too long to figure out that she was actually a freshman in my school. I singed up for every class that she was in, and I would just stare at her until I met the right time.

When I saw her wandering around the campus, I knew this was the moment. "Hey, are you new here?" I asked. "Yeah, uh, do you know where the (insert major) class is being held?" "Oh, what a coincidence! (a/n : yeah what a cOIncIdeNcE) I was actually heading there! I could help you out if you wish." "Uh, sure!" She smiled at me. Even her voice was beautiful. "By the way, what's your name? Mine is y/n l/n!" She held out a hand. "Conan Gray, Pleasure to meet you." I smirked and slightly kissed her hand. I could see her blush, a sign that my flirting was actually working. 

I led her to the way around the campus just to spend more time with her. She also seemed to enjoy talking with me, which was a relief. Ever since I saw her in front of the coffee shop, all I could think about was 'What if she doesn't like me?', but now...I was feeling more confident.

As we arrived at the building, I stopped at the front door. "Y/n..." "Yeah?" "i-I know we just met, but uh...I hope to see you around sometime, and...if you don't mind, can you give me your number?" "Oh, uhm, sure! Can you give me yours too?" "I'd love to." I grinned and pressed the numbers on her phone. "Text me after class." I whispered in her ear and hurried off to class.

After some texting, we became really close, and...I asked her to be my girlfriend, so...she said yes! Now, I have the person I most wanted...the person I needed the most right beside me. However, deep down I was afraid of losing her, so...well, I began...to obsess over her. I always checked her social media activities and her texts. Call me overprotective, but really, I was just trying to get closer to her. I started putting cameras all over my house and began watching her. While I was worried about her finding out, deep down, I enjoyed this too much to stop now.

I've gone too far.

y/n pov

The next day, I woke up alerted. While repeating 'act your way out' inside my head a billion times, I plastered a smile on my face and walked out my room. From now on, my good attitude will be the only thing that will keep me alive. I placed my hand on Conan's shoulder and gave him a morning kiss. "Hey, Cone." "Hey, y/n. Okay now?" "Yeah, I think I was just a bit tired...lately, you know. With all those projects." "Yeah, I agree. Last time's assignment was literally hell." I chuckled and tried to smile and agree to him. 


obsession.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن