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The King rushed towards her, his thick brows pushed together in confusion at the sight of the beautiful woman before him. Her golden hair was on display for all to see, cascading like a waterfall of sunlight down her back. Each of its strands matching the thread that was woven into the white fabric, the leaf patterns almost glowing in the reflection of the fire.

"My lord." She whispered, swallowing harshly, crystal eyes wide. She quickly curtsied, despite his knowledge of her station, this was his home and a ball she was not invited to.

He took her hands in his and looked her over, "What are you doing out of the kitchen? Where did you get this gown?" The craftsmanship was the most impressive he had ever seen in all his life, sewn together with the utmost care and love.

"My father." She answered him unwillingly, "It was one of the final gifts he gave me before I escaped." She looked down at the billowing skirt, brushing the marble floor beneath her.

"It's lovely, my dear, but... am I to believe you are going to attend the ball?" He asked, worry obvious behind his cloudy eyes, old age taking its toll on his most handsome features.

She shook her head no, but slowly it turned into a nod of shame, "I wanted to feel like a princess again. If only for a night. To be able to dance with a man, as I was not ever allowed to before."

"You certainly look very much the part of a royal lady, but I fear for your safety." He dropped her hands and took a step back, "I do not wish for anyone to see you and know of the girl who so resembles her mother and send you back to that bloody tyrant!"

Katerina slowly sat down on the piano bed, looking down at her bare toes sticking out from under her skirt, "You are right. I was so excited to possibly be able to dance and the music, I thought perhaps it being a masked ball would make the difference, but how could it?"

The king scratched his beard, looking at her thoughtfully, "The masks! Of course! I forgot all about the masks! Not that it would do much to hide your gorgeous hair, but-" His words came to a halt and he knelt before her, "Princess, allow me to save you from your fear. I hate to see you be treated like a dog under my care, but I now realize, it's not the only way to keep you safe."

"What do you mean?" She asked, utterly confused by this sudden outburst of excitement, "I know the safest place for me is to hide behind my image of a beast. I'm much happier in the kitchen than I would be as my father's wife."

"Yes, but I do not want you forced into hiding anymore and I think I have found a solution that I am furious I did not think of before!" He grasped her hands in his and struggled to get back onto his feet, his top heavyweight and bad knees making him unstable. She allowed him to brace himself on her arms and helped to lift him, despite her delicate and own weak nature, "You are not wearing shoes." He suddenly noticed, "Why do you not have shoes?"

"Oh," She hid her toes under the blooming skirt, "I only had those tragic clogs the maids wear. I thought it better to go without."

King Theodore shook his head, "No matter. I shall find you a mask and a pair of shoes and introduce you to the party!" He turned to the door, leaving the girl behind him, not sure of what she was supposed to do now, "Come along!" He waved at her from the doorway, and she picked up her dress, following after him.

"My wife is changing into a dress, more appropriate for dancing, so I think it best we join her in her powder room and explain the situation."

"No!" She halted suddenly, the music below them in the ballroom continuing around her, "No! You can not tell her who I am!"

"I will not allow for anything to happen. No one will send you back to your father, I promise you." He approached her slowly.

"Please, my lord, do not tell her. The less people to know the truth the better." Her fingers unconsciously curled into the fabric of her dress, "I simply wish to dance for one night. One night only."

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