chapter 14

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"You are looking beautiful even in a maid outfit." He said while looking towards me.

I slightly pulled his few hairs. He hissed in pain. I smiled.

"I think you have no qualities like an ideal woman," he said in a complaining way.

"why so," I asked with curiosity.

"look at yourself you never like my affection calm nature towards you. I always found you doing something which ideal ladies don't do. You always messed up situations for me. You never dress like a queen except for the THONE ceremony. If I am saying wrong then look at yourself now and tell me you are wrong". He said while helping me to sit on the chair.

I look down on myself.
He is indeed saying the truth.
I pouted in irritation.

" Now what you start thinking... just do your dinner." He said while hitting me on my hands.

I nodded and look in his direction.

He is looking so good in his lavish luxury clothes and i am in muddy clothes... so bad.
I don't know how can he hug me even when I was looking so ugly and dirty.

As he noticed I am staring at him he smiled.
I removed my gaze from him and try to control the weird situation we are encountering.

" Are you full?" he asked.
I nodded.

He asked while washing his hand -" Am I looking good enough for you to stare " he asked.

I blushed and try to lower my eyes-" umm... I was watching that beautiful vase... look that's behind you."
He nodded and took me in his arm once again.

" I can walk put me down, no need to do this," I said ( while my nervousness and my heartbeat is saying something other).

"I don't want to walk slow. So it's better not to waste time "- He said.

" What if Baba Saa or Maa Saa saw us like this," I asked in nervousness.

"They are not here, they are in Ajabgarh. So you don't have to worry about it and you can stay close to me " he said.

I didn't say anything and blushed (because his gaze was over me).

He put me on the bed and called the maid-" Help her cleaning herself and change her dress". They nodded and he left.

Verenya's provoke:
I changed my clothes into a light ones and wash myself up.

Lai(maid who come from Bundi with her) smiled towards me- "Verenya don't you think, Raja Sa starts liking you. The way he looked at you and care about you."

I smiled and said while adjusting my bangle-" I don't know he didn't say anything about it."

She said while walking to my other side- " Don't fool me that you don't like him. I saw both of you hugging each other".

I blushed at her foolish talk.

"He was just worried for me and with a heat of a moment he did it. Don't misunderstand it"- I told her while rolling my eyes.

she nodded and give me a plate of Ladu-" If you think you love him. Make him eat this...
This will gonna help you both coming close to each other".

As Abhirath entered, she left in hurry.
I walk towards him.

He asked-" Why did Lai run away so fast ".

" I don't know. But everything is fine"- I said.

"What do you have in your hand. Show me"-he asked in curiosity.

"It's ladu, Lai gave it to me"- I told him. He nodded.

" Give it to me, i want to taste it" - he asked.
"You can't eat this"- I told him while moving back.

"And why so"- He asked moving towards me.

"Because it's not for you"- I replied.

"Still I want to eat it. I said give it to me it's my order Verenya come here, don't run." He starts walking behind me.

"Why don't you get it... We should not eat it," I said while walking but as I put my feet over water I slipped.

"Ahh" I yelled and I noticed Abhirath's holding me from my waist.

He hurriedly took one of a Ladu from the plate and put it in his mouth. I looked at him in worry.

" Why did you eat this. Didn't I told you not to eat it". He kissed my forehead.
I looked at him with wide eyes.

" I don't know why I am sweating so much all of a sudden," he told me.

I sue to myself tomorrow I will if something happen I will gonna punish Lai for this.

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