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The feeling of anger and jealously take over my body, causing my next move to be climbing up on the coffee table in the living room. I don't know how I manage to do this at every party. I already knew by the amount of attention I was getting all night that it wouldn't take long before somebody was up on this table with me.

I swing my hips to the beat of the music, not caring how close the guy behind me is getting. I know that this is toxic behaviour but I don't really care at the moment. I want Rafe to know that he's not the only one who can act out.

"Cassie." I hear Pope say but I keep my eyes on the door, waiting for Rafe to walk through it. "What are you doing Cassie, get down."

I continue dancing until I see Rafe enter the room. My body immediately stops moving and guilt floods through my body when I see the look on his face. It take's a second before his real face kicks in, and he marches straight toward me and lifts me off the table.

"This happens way too much Cassie." He growls in my ear.

"I just like to dance." I shrug and look down.

"Come with me." He says and pulls me across the room. I keep my head down but I know exactly where we are going.

He shoves me into the room and closes the door behind him.

"What the fuck was that about Cassie?" He huffs.

"I didn't ask for that guy to dance with me." I say.

"Look at you, you're basically asking for the attention." He says pointing to my outfit.

"Yeah, attention from you Rafe! I've been here for two hours and you didn't even come to find me." I shout.

Rafe shakes his head and rubs his bottom lip with his thumb.

"You don't need to wear clothes like this to get my attention Cassie." He sighs.

"Lately it feels like I have to. You hardly pay attention to me anymore." I say.

"That's not true." He says.

"You've been obsessed with Kie, you can't tell me otherwise." I roll my eyes.

"Are you serious?" He says, eyes narrow. "You made such a big deal about me getting along with your friends, now your complaining about it?"

"I'm glad that you're getting along with them but you and Kie have been acting so weird together and I'm not the only one who sees it. It's like you guys have some sort of history." I say and his face drops.

"You don't know?" He asks.

"Know what?" I ask.

"About Kie and I?" He says.

"No Rafe I don't. What are you talking about?"

"We hooked up a few times a couple years ago, I thought you knew that." He says.

"What?" I shout. "With Kie?"

He nods and sits on the bed. My body is getting hot and I start to pace back and forth.

"Cass come sit down and relax." Rafe says.

I ignore him and keep pacing. Why wouldn't Kie tell me this?

"I don't understand." I huff. "Why wouldn't she tell me this? And why did she make such a big deal about me being around you when she did the same."

"Because look at me and Kie now. She just didn't want that to happen to us." Rafe says. "Everything she does is to help you."

I roll my eyes. It bothers me that he knows so much about her.

"Why did you guys stop then?"

"Because she was getting attached and I didn't want a relationship." He shrugged.

I sigh and try to think of something to say but I can't. I don't have the energy to have this conversation anymore.

"I would have told you but I just assumed you already knew." Rafe says.

"It's fine." I shrug.

My mind suddenly wanders back to our conversation from earlier. I can't believe I told him that I loved him. I really think I do love him though, I always have but it's only now that I realize it.

"Why me?" I ask after sitting in silence for a little bit.


"Of all the people you've been with, why am I the one who gets you." I ask. "I'm nothing compared to the girls you've had before."

"You're different." Rafe shrugs.

I nod while letting out a huge yawn. I'm too tired to even ask Rafe why I'm different than everyone else. I feel so drained and frustrated with this Kie and Rafe situation.

"Do you want to go to bed?" Rafe asks. I look at him and his face is still.

"Yeah." I whisper. I stand up and reach for the bottom of my dress but Rafe quickly jumps up and stops me.

"It's okay, I got it." He says and slowly starts lifting the dress over my body. I was expecting him to attack me with kisses or touch my boobs but nothing. He unhooked my bra and gave me a small grin before pulling back his bedsheets. I crawl onto the bed and cover up to my neck.

"I'm going to go back downstairs for a little bit but I'll be up soon. Text me if you need anything yeah?"

"Okay." I nod.

He leans down and kisses my forehead before flicking the light off and leaving the bedroom. I hear him lock it before he walks down the hallway.

I roll over to face the wall and try to fall asleep but I can't get my mind off Rafe and Kie. I think it's insane that Kie would even talk to Rafe without a reason to, let alone fuck him. The thought makes my body shiver.


About an hour later I hear the doorknob jiggling. The door opens and closes quickly. I can tell it's Rafe by his breathing.

I try to stay as still as possible so he thinks I'm asleep. I listen closely as he strips his clothes off and lays his rings down on the table beside the bed.

When the bed sinks from his body coming in contact, I close my eyes just in case he tries to look at me.

He lays beside me, covering the blankets over my body again. He pulls my body close to his and his breath is hot on the back on my neck, making me want to shiver but I try my best to hold back.

It's silent for a few minutes so I assume that he's asleep already. I open my eyes again but only see darkness. I quickly snap them shut again when Rafe leans his body forward just enough to plant a kiss on my cheek. He stays in that spot for a minute, looking down at me even though the room is dark.

"I love you too." He whispers and lays back down. My heart flutters and I can't help but smile widely. I want to roll over and kiss him but I stay put.

A feeling to relief takes over my body. I know Rafe wouldn't say those words if he didn't mean it. Love is difficult for Rafe and I understand why he has trouble committing to things, but I'm beyond happy that I can make him feel the way he deserves to feel. Loved.

Toxic:  A Rafe Cameron StoryWhere stories live. Discover now