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I wake up the next morning before Rafe does with a full bladder. I get off the bed as carefully as I can so I don't wake up him, and hurry to the bathroom. Before I leave the bathroom, I can't help but look out the window to see if Mike's van is out there, but it isn't.

When I enter the room, I sit on the chair instead of the bed so I don't wake Rafe up. Beside me is the gun he used last night. I stare at it for a while, I think it's the first time I've ever seen a gun up close. Whenever JJ carries one I try to avoid him because god knows what he will do with it.

My eyes move to Rafe. He's facing me, his lips parted a little. He looks so peaceful and calm when he sleeps, but the minute he wakes up, he's an angry jackass. I love that he can have his soft moments with me, they don't happen that often but I don't expect a lot of that from Rafe because that's not who he is.

I wish there were more ways I could help him when Ward gets underneath his skin. If only he could accept that Ward will probably never love him as much as he loves Sarah and Wheezie. I know it's hard to do and even say but that's the only way he will ever stop being this angry and hurtful person. I've accepted the fact that my parents aren't happy with the way I've lived my life so far. I know how great of a person I am, and if they don't want to see that then that's their loss.

I grab my phone from the table to see if everyone got home fine last night.

Pope: We just got to my place, hope your night goes well. See you in the morning!

Kie: At Pope's... night xx

Mom: Cassie! Are you kidding me? Call me right now!

Mom: I'm not joking Cassie, this is serious. Call me

Mom: I will come to Outer Banks myself right now if you don't answer this phone

I roll my eyes as I read the messages from my mom. I know exactly why she's freaking out and quite frankly I don't blame her, but it's her own fault.

I decide I should call her as soon as possible, I don't want her coming here again. I carefully get off the chair and watch Rafe as I walk across the room.

Just before I reach the doorknob, Rafe's phone buzzes on the bedside table. I try to ignore it but my mind keeps telling me to look at the message.

I glance at Rafe again before reaching for his phone. I try to be extra careful this time because the last time this happened he knew exactly what I was doing.

K: Good night, see you tomorrow! It was nice hanging out tonight, even if it was with everyone. You looked nice!

K: Good morning. Any plans for the day?

My body fills with rage as I read the messages from Kie. I unlock his phone to read the previous messages and I was happy to find that Rafe haven't responded to any.

I put the phone back down and push this problem aside. I need to deal with my other issue first.

I dial my moms number just as I step outside on the porch deck. I feel like there may be yelling and I don't want to wake anybody up.

The rings are loud in my ear and I'm tempted to hang up but after every ring it feels like she's about to pick up.

"Cassie Monroe, what are you thinking?" She says when she answers the phone.

"What are you talking about?" I sigh.

"Your boyfriend, he's psychotic. I had Mike call me in the middle of the night to tell me he almost got shot in the head!" She yells.

"Mom. This is your own fault. Why would-"

"No Cassie-"

"No mom, you're going to listen to me for once. Why would you send some stranger here to take me home to you guys. That is psycho behaviour right there, paying somebody to kidnap their daughter. I have told you multiple times that I am done with you guys. I don't want to visit you, or see you because all you ever do is put me down for who I am. Rafe isn't a psycho, he was trying to protect me from Mike. I could have called the cops and explained the whole situation the first time I seen him show up at my place but I decided to let you realize you made a mistake and forget about the whole situation, but no. You had to ask Mike to stalk me at midsummers, follow me back to the Cameron's and wait outside for me? That's fucked up mom, you fucked up this time, not me." I say.

Toxic:  A Rafe Cameron StoryWhere stories live. Discover now