22; mr. morales

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It's been a week since the whole what's his name thing but I'm over it now cause why would I be sad over a man, that's not very cash money of me.

I get to my office sighing having a seat.

My assistant walks in "Oh goodness I thought you were someone else" I laugh at her.

"Mr. Morales is here" I nod grabbing my Ipad and folder.

I knock before entering "Oh you have a new look. Still beautiful" Got me brushing and shit.

I took my wig off. Was tired of that thing. I just have my natural hair straighten.

"Thank you. Good afternoon Mr. Morales" I smile at him walking up to the desk.

He once again grabs my hand kissing the back of it "Good afternoon hermosa"

I have a seat at the table. "Today you will pick your designer. On here you can see the designers under my company and some of their work." he nods as I slide him the Ipad.

"I already have my mind made up but I will check the profiles" he smirks at me then starts looking through the Ipad.

"Sailor green... 25 years old.." he looks up from the Ipad smirking.

"I want her" he looks me dead in my eyes while handing me the Ipad.

Thank goodness I'm dark skin or I'll be red as a tomato.

"We can schedule a day for me to come over and look around the house. I need to see what I'm working with and take measurements" he pulls out his phone... rude.

After the silence and looking on his phone for a while he finally speaks up.

"Sorry I was looking through my calendar to see if I had any available days which I don't. Is there a specific day you will like to come? I can clear up my schedule for you."

Um, why did that make my heart flutter?

"I can really do any day" I let him know "Um how about Tuesday?" I nod writing it down.

"What time would you like for me to arrive?" I ask him "About 1 pm I should be fully woke by then. I can send a car to pick you up and drop you off." I write that down in my schedule.

"Oh no. I don't wanna cause you any trouble" he flags me "That's definitely not trouble." he chuckles.

"Well, that's the end. I'll see you Tuesday at 1 pm" I put my hand out for him to shake which he does "see you Tuesday hermosa"

• • •

Well, Tuesday came fast.

He texted me about 20 minutes saying his driver was on the way.

Mr. Morales: The driver is outside!

I take a deep breath walking out the door. I think about rather I have a good outfit on.

Is it bad that I'm waiting for his compliments? No? You're right.

The driver opens the door for me and I automatically see roses on the seat.

I get into the car smiling hard as fuck.

'For my hermosa <3' I smile at the card.

We arrive at the house in like 30 minutes.

As I was getting ready to open the door the driver opens it.

"Mr. Morales will kill me if he found out that you opened the door for yourself." I giggled.

"Wouldn't want that now would we?" I joked walking up to the door.

I knock "It's open!" I hear someone scream from the inside.

I open the door... woah this house is beautiful.

I wish I had seen this when we were house hunting I would've brought it.

"Hermosaaaaaa" I hear him getting closer.

When he finally sees me I see him look me up and down "You always look beautiful but this look makes you look absolutely stunning" I look down at my outfit seeing that I'm just in a sweatsuit.

I'm out here bare face and hair in a ponytail.

"No need to lie" I start looking around the house. "I'm definitely not lying hermosa. You look very pretty. Beautiful with or without makeup" Whew my cheeks going to be hurting from smiling so much.

"Thank you and thank you for the roses" I just remember the roses "You're welcome hermosa" he nudges me playfully.

"Time for the tour" he claps.

We barely made it anywhere, this house is huge.

I was standing on a chair measuring window while Mr. Morales went to take a phone call.

"Hermosa! Abajo! You're gonna hurt yourself" He holds onto the chair, gently grabbing my arm getting me down.
(beautiful! get down!)

"How am I gonna get the measurements then?" I pout at him. I watch his eyes dart between my eyes to lips repeatedly.

"I got someone to do the measurements yesterday. So you wouldn't have to do too much today. Just look around." Well, that's definitely saving time.

He leads me through the rest of the house.

"How old are you Mr. Morales?" I decided to spark a conversation. "Please call me Iván and I'm 37." I jerk my head back and he scrunches his face at me.

"Sorry... You look younger than 38. Thought you were at least my age." I explain.

"I get that a lot" he says "What's your favorite color?" I look at him weirdly "What? I have to get to know you" I think for a moment.

"Light purple.. you?" he looks around "Hmm... Black" I look him up and down. "Sizing me Ms. Green?" he raises a brow at me.

"Call me Sailor.. but nah I wasn't.... or was I?" I smirk at him.

• • •

"Thank you Mr- I mean Iván for letting me into your beautiful home. I will be sending some pieces over to see if you like them." I let him know.

"Thank you for coming Sailor and can't wait to see your great ideas" he grabs my hand kissing the back of it.

"See you hermosa" he walks me to the car.

I get in and he shuts the door waving.

I go home with a bright smile on my face.

• • •

How y'all feeling about Iván?

I decided to post this today since I haven't posted in a while. Feeding you guys.

Quick question would y'all still like birthday chapters? I just realized I missed more birthdays. Just to let y'all know the birthday chapters does interfere with the actually story they're like side chapters.

just let me know 🌚

Also would y'all like holiday specials? Like halloween, thanksgiving and christmas.

I know everyone does not celebrate all of these holidays but growing up I did and I always looked forward to these holidays so yeah.

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