thanksgiving special

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Honestly, I'm feeling the fall weather.

Can't wait to put up my Christmas decorations and blast Christmas music the day after thanksgiving.

Speaking of thanksgiving I'm currently freaking out because for the first time I am in charge of thanksgiving.

I almost made it 25 years without doing thanksgiving until some dummy named Syire suggested I do it.

Now he not getting a plate, see how that works.

I told my family to come at 3 pm even though we not going to eat dinner until 5 cause you know them blackies are always late.

Yes, that was racially motivated.

Honestly, I am lowkey happy that Thanksgiving is at my house. This is my first thanksgiving with the kids so I kind of went all out with the food.

I was slaving in this kitchen- I- well maybe I shouldn't use slaving since I have a house full of white children.

Anyways I was doing the damn thing in the kitchen and I even made some nontraditional thanksgiving food by that I mean the food you wouldn't usually eat on thanksgiving.

I low-key feel bad about not telling Iván that we were having thanksgiving at my mom cause I just thought that he would be spending it with his family and I didn't want to intrude but a part of me still feels like I should tell him.

You know what? I am. Now, where is my phone?

"Hermosa?" I will NEVER get over his voice it's so raspy makes me wanna ri- "Hello?" he says again cutting my thoughts off. "Oh I was just calling to tell you Thanksgiving is at my house and if you want to stop by you're more than welcome." After I was done talking I realized the fire alarm was going off on his end.

"Iván? You good?" I asked him "Yes" he says quietly almost inaudible. "We'll be over after everyone is dressed." I tell him 'okay' then hang up.

Is it bad that I'm kind of starving the older kids? I told them that they aren't supposed to eat until dinner time on Thanksgiving, it's like an unspoken role.

They have been hungry since early... great parenting, am I right?

"Grandma is here!" Cole comes running down and I'm just trying to figure out how he knew that. Almost a couple of minutes later Saige comes in with the girls.

I was placing the last couple of things in the oven to heat up when Syire walks in with a GIRL.

Saige and I nearly ran to that door tripping and falling on our way over.

In conclusion, if he messes this up we're going to jump him.

"Okay, I'm going to get washed up and dressed be right back shawties." I say making my way up the steps.

• • •

"Hermosa?" Iván says while knocking on my bedroom door. "Come in." I shout and he walks in wearing a fucking turtle neck A TURTLE NECKKK boy I am about to give you some neck.

AND YALL he's been growing his hair and wow I just want to su- "Hellooo?" he waves his hand in front. "Whew, I am about to pass out." I fall onto the bed with my hand on my forehead.

He stands over top of me and I start to feel nervous. "Quickie?" he asked while smiling. "Boy" I shoved him away putting on the last of my jewelry and slipping on my house shoes making my way back downstairs with Iván.

"Best dress to come to the living room, PuRrRRrr" Syire says as soon as he sees me. "You already know" I turn around with my tongue out.

Making my way to the kitchen with Iván following behind me like a lost puppy. "It smells really good." he says softly "Thank you." I smile at him.

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