2. Strawberry Shortcake

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There were three things that I had decided to do this spring break:

First, completing my homework in the first week itself. That had been my life long goal, and I had yet to achieve it. I had never been able to understand how I always ended up with all my homework left till the last day of the holidays.

If it didn't work this time, I was going to put it in the book of Mysteries Of The World.

Second, after I was done with step one, I was seriously going to catch up on my dramas. It had been two months since I had last seen a Korean Drama, and I was dying to catch up on a new one.

Third, which I planned to do while I did step two, baking. It had been eight long months since I had a real kitchen to bake anything.

I had looked up several recipes on the Internet and I was getting impatient to test them out. And my mother did like an extra helping hand in the bakery. But I could definitely see all my plans going down the drain with the entrance of those four guys in my life.

Seriously, it felt like my life was turning into one of those K-Dramas I watched. The four of them being the infamous F-4 of my life. Just the ugly version. Okay, fine, who was I kidding, all of them were blazing hot. But they could never beat Lee Min Ho.

I snorted at the Boys Over Flowers reference, just as the door banged open. I shot up from my bed and scrambled into a sitting position.

"So graceful," The Naked Guy, whose name I was yet to remember, commented, and I stared at him, my mouth hanging open.

"Excuse me? How could you enter my bedroom without asking or even knocking?" I asked him with my teeth clenched, as I glared at him. Though my eyes still didn't miss that true to his nickname, he was again shirtless, wearing low hung jeans that just covered his not-to-be-seen area.

"I hate to say this, but you have been blabbering something for over ten minutes. I thought you were on phone so I waited but looks like you were talking to yourself," he explained and smirked at me. I shut my mouth at that.

"What's the F-4 by the way?" he said, looking around my room, and I flushed. My room was a mess, all my luggage was strewn around and my laundry full-on display. Not to mention I was wearing my oldest, most comfortable Pj's.

"None of your business," I stated, trying to divert his attention before he noticed my baby pink polka-dot bra placed right in front of his eyes. Today was so not my day.

"Uh-huh. Rose is calling you downstairs for the dinner. Looks like it's going to be a very familial affair." He laughed at his own joke and turned to walk out.

"No!" I shouted, my hands reaching out to stop him, but it was already too late. He stepped onto my bra, and I watched it slowly crush beneath his feet.

He looked down, realizing he had stepped on something, and then up at me, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Nice pair. But don't you think it's two sizes big for you?" He bent and picked it up, dangling it in front of my eyes. I flushed, my temper rising, and at once covered my chest with my hands.

"Pervert," I shouted, picking up a pillow, and throwing it at him. He easily caught it with one hand and threw it back at me. I ducked and it went flying past me.

"Get out!" I screamed, and he quickly exited, his hands up in surrender, clicking the door shut behind him. His laughter echoed in my ears and I suppressed the urge to go out and strangle him.

Baking With Boys |✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora