34. Pecan Brownie

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"And then I puked on him!" I said through short gasps of laughter. Sarah doubled over, punched my shoulder lightly, as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Stop it. I can imagine his face. He didn't hit you or anything right?" She sobered up, wiping her tears off her cheeks. I browsed the room, and was taken aback to see all the other contestants staring at us, whispering among themselves. Sarah noticed my gaze and cleared her throat. "Ignore them."

"Why? Did something happen?" My forehead wrinkled as I examined their faces. Except a few, everyone had a hostile stance towards me, a posture I had learnt well. I hadn't noticed it when Brandon, Sarah and I had entered the room, but the hush that fell inside the room could not be ignored. But before Sarah could explain, another voice came out from the group.

"You think we are stupid?" A girl spat out, and Brandon stepped closer, noticing her offensive stance. "After turning all of us against Isabela, you are reaping the benefits? Such a gold digging bitch."

My ears burned, at a loss of words. There wasn't anyone except the contestants around, and she used her freedom explicitly. I looked at the sudden foreign faces, shaking my head.

With a deep breath, I started, "You got it wrong. We talked and--" Sarah pressed her hand on the small of my back, reminding me that Bella still hadn't come out to any of them. Only she along with Francis knew the secret.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" She smirked, more confident now that I was hesitating. Bella wasn't with us in the standby room yet, and I knew for a fact that there wasn't anything I could say to her without revealing one of Bella's secrets. My silence motivated her, egging her on further.

"So tell me, did you bully her into posting that picture again? We all know what you did with her boyfriend anyways." She gave a hollow laugh, and a few people nodded. It was like everything was repeating itself over again. My mouth opened, but nothing came out. There wasn't anything I could say that would change their mind. After facing too many such situations, I didn't even try to explain myself, for really, no one even bothered to listen.

Beside me, Brandon took a sharp breath, as if to control himself, and I tried to do the same.

My eyes burned under the humiliation, and Brandon too hesitated. Though from the way his fists wcurld up, I knew he wasn't enjoying it. The girl came closer, and I remembered her name, Kate, and how she had been the one to go to the elimination round when I was safe.

"We all know that you are a bully, so stop fooling us. And get the fuck out of this competition," she hissed, and I stared at her flabbergasted.

There had to be a limit.

Sarah lunged for her the exact moment a sharp voice interrupted the room. All of us froze as Bella shouted, "You!" She stalked in, her heels echoing in the silent room. Kate grinned, looking pleased with what she had achieved and stepped forward to meet Bella.

"I have shown the whore her place. You don't have to worry, Isabela." She grinned, and my nostrils flared with anger.

Bella did this?! After everything?

"Who the fuck are you?" Bella frowned, glaring at her with such force that Kate took a staggering step back. The flare of anger subsided as soon as it had come when I heard that.

"K-kate. It's all right. I know you didn't know my name. We can be friends-" She cut off abruptly when Bella pushed past her to face me.

Kate gave an angry yelp, but no one paid heed to her as the room fell even more silent. I don't know what everyone expected to happen, but one thing was sure, that they never expected this to happen.

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