You're the Guy

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Another week has gone and the stress has overloaded my weekend. I flop on my couch rubbing my eyes. My phone rings and I groan in frustration. "Conor. I told you I promise to be-" "Was it that bad of a day?" Tom asked through the line. "Tom. Hey. Yeah, something like that. Conor decided to-" "Yell at an innocent bystander in a restaurant?" I sigh, lowering my lips into a frown. "Looks like I'm working all weekend."

Tom chuckles, "no you're not. a 40 hour week is all you're required to put in. I'm coming to stay the weekend." "Really? Let me-" knocks on the door grasp my attention. I open it to see Tom with his night duffle. "Surprise." I smile leaning into his embrace. "I like surprises."

Tom and I have been seeing each other for about two years ago. I met him on a supply run for Dana when I had first started. He was around for filming and we grew close in his time around. Neither of us went public with the kendership we made. Neither of us was sure we'd ever get to be stable. I never knew when he was going to be around and he knew just as much about my insane schedule. I wasn't going to go tell about something that could easily go away tomorrow. Nonetheless Tom, and I was as committed as we could be. We didn't date outside of our relationship, maybe in hopes one day we could make it stable.

"You want to go out?" Tom asks as he stands from the couch. "Like dinner or a club?" Tom smirks, "would you mind a club?" I shake my head, standing to my feet. I haven't been to a club since the last celebration of Conor's fight with Max Holloway. "Sure. Let me get ready. Have somewhere in mind."

I walk into my closet and slide the many dresses on the rack. "No. Too flashy." I flip to a red dress. "No. That's asking for attention." I came to a navy dress. Not professional but not office chic either. I pull the dress off the rack and slip it over my body. I pair it with my favorite pair of maroon pumps. After finishing my makeup and hair quickly, I exit to the living room.

"Look at you." Tom grabs my hand, spinning me around. "Let's go have some fun." I cheer as we exit my apartment.

Upon arrival I feel my nerves swell, but why? I'm in no way shy. Momma taught me to make friends with anyone. Was it Tom? No, he's been great all evening. Have I forgotten something?

Drink after drink and hours of crowded dancing I move to sit at a free table. I laugh as I fall to the chair. Tom catches me before I hit the floor. "Oops." I giggle before kissing his hand and pushing a thumbs up, "good deal, captain."

Tom smiles at me before taking his own seat. "Hm?" I hum at him, missing what he said. "I didn't say anything." I cover my mouth, "oh."

"Lookie here!" Tom looks behind him at the fighter waltzing over. "Conor! I thought you said you were going back home for the week." His eyes shine as he glances at me in his drunken state. "Dee has plans." He stated flatly.

His mood perks again as Tom clears his throat and pushes his hand out. "Conor McGregor, I've heard much about you." Conor looks ar Tom's hand, then to me. "This the guy?" I cover my face with my hands.

"You're the guy!" Conor cheers and grasps Tom's hand. "Oh man, have you been wracking my mind lately! I just couldn't think of a single human that would put up with her!" Conor boasts in laughter. Tom chuckles, his mood easing. "She can be a handful." "Or when she gets sweet tea" Conor says imitating me. I reach over the table smacking his chest.

Conor slings an arm over Tom's shoulder with a smile. "So, Tom, you in town for a while?" "The weekend. Came to surprise, the princess." Conor pats Tom's shoulder, "Say I take us out. Lunch tomorrow." I smile, how nice of him. "That sounds lovely, Conor." He smiles at me, underlying emotions shine to the surface. Why does he look frustrated? "No, no, lassie. Just the big boys." Tom laughs, "you heard him, just the boys." I narrow my eyes at the pair. One of them is planning something...

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