Chapter 2

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As Vox looked at me, I realized we had the same eyes but I was shorter than him as he basically towered over me if he didn't kneel down to my height.

"How is this possible...?" Vox shook, which I shrugged.

"I-I don't know, I thought you might've had the answers." I giggled, which Vox caressed my cheek.

"Well I guess we have some renovations to do." Val smirked, as Vox nodded.

"Yes, uhh (y/n) was it?" Vox asked, which I nodded.

"Could you go with Valentino, he'll give you a tour of the tower while I get my workers to build up another tower, so you my sweet pea have your own room." Vox smiled, which my eyes began to sparkle as I nodded.

As I looked Valentino, he had this sinister grin which made Vox groan.

"Val she's not one of your pronstars, she's my daughter you sick bastard!" Vox yelled, which Val just burst out laughing.

"Vox I don't roll like that, plus I'm just helping her make some friends." Val snickered, which Vox seemed unimpressed.

"Umm (y/n) how old are you?" Vox asked, which I looked at him with a small smile.

"I'm 22 Vox, I'll be fine." I say, which Vox nodded.

"I don't earn the dad title yet do I?" Vox frowned, which I shook my head.

"Not yet, it's earned." I smile, as me and Val leave the room.

As we're walking there we're a lot of pornstars in Val's studio, which kinda made me uncomfortable. But he must be a famous artist, or something...

~a few years later~

Life in hell is just bleh, it's been different living with Vox who is actually my biological father. But we recently well not really like three years ago, we had a new recruit and her name was Velvette.

She was a bitch at first, but me and her got close. So we basically did all the girly shit together like going to the mall, checking out some hot demons, watching movies together. So basically she was my best friend!

The one thing that has happened, is that my father got into a fight with some strawberry pimp looking dude. Now I'm not aloud to leave the tower, without a bodyguard!

I got super annoyed by this act, I mean sure I may look like my dad. But I still want to have free will, sometimes Valentino comes with me to do my shopping when Velvette is busy...

I have nothing against Val, I just like my father to come with me or Velvette.

As I was walking down the streets of hell and Val was literally my shadow, he told me he needed to get more sex toys and other sex related shit. He INSISTED that I come, which I had no choice so I did.

"Remind me why I have to come here?" I groaned, which Val snickered.

"Your father keeps you well hidden, I just thought you wanted to make more friends then just Vel." Val smirked, which I rolled my eyes.

"What's the kick?" I narrowed my brows at Val, which he chuckled.

"I think I may or may not have a pornstar, that you might like of course. You have to be on set, without your father's permission." Val smiled, which I thought for a moment.

"W-Well this would be my first..." I lowered my voice, which Val seemed intrigued.

"What's that dear?" Val chuckled, which I gulped as it was embarrassing.

"I said it would be my first pendeja!" I squeaked, which Val licked his lips.

"Then he's perfect for you, he's a pro." Val smirked, which I just turned red as I hid my face.

As we got back to the V Tower, Vox was waiting for me for god knows how long. As he tried to escort me, back to my room Val stopped him.

"Voxxy I'm not done with your little doll, she wants to know what I work on." Val snickered, which Vox growled.

"She's not aloud on set, she isn't aloud to be known. If Alastor is back, he'll know and try to do something to her!" Vox yelled, which Val didn't flinch as he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, I get the fuckin' rules Vox." Val frowned, which Vox smirked as he looked at me.

"You listen here young lady, you're not rolling on camera do you understand me?" Vox scolded, which I nodded.

"Yes dad, I know..." I sigh, which Vox smiles.

As he leaves, Val puts his hands on my waist which makes me kinda uncomfortable.

"I honestly don't give a shit about what Vox says, how about you sweetheart?" Val smirks, which I shivered under his touch.

"N-No..." I say with my head down, as Val gently grabs my wrist.

We head for the elevator to his studio, as we entered there were demons getting ready to shoot for the porn video.

I gulped as I felt uncomfortable, as I hid my face.. Dad's going to kill Val, or worst me... I sighed to myself, as Val sat in the directors seat.

"Here is your drink Mr. Valentino." A servant spoke, as she brought a drink to Val.

"Thank you darling, oh could you get Angel Dust?" Val asked, which she nodded her head.

As Val smiled at me, he signalled me to sit next to him. So I did, I sat next to him once I did he brought me on his lap.

"You ready to make us some good money chicita?" Val asked, which I nervously nodded.

"You wanted to see me, Valentino?" A voice spoke out, to which me and Val looked in the same direction.

"Ahh yes, oh (y/n) this is Angel Dust. This is who you're making a video with, Angel this is (y/n)." Val smirked, which I waved as I got off Val's lap.

"Oh hey." Angel smiled, which fiddled with my hoodie strings.

"Hello." I smile at Angel, which Val made this real awkward.

"Oh and Angel, be gentle with her she's new to this. She needs that special treatment, plus she is Vox's daughter." Val sighed, which Angel's eyes widened.

"Wait wait, you're bringing Vox's daughter on set???" Angel shook, which Val smirked.

"She wanted to so I hooked her up with you Angel, is there a problem with that?" Val asked, which Angel sighed.

"N-No Valentino." Angel shivered, this made Valentino smirk devilishly.

"Good." Val snickered, as he looked at both me and Angel.

My little sinner!~ (Angel Dust x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now