Chapter 8

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Once I made it to Angel's rooms floor, I waited until he went inside as I was about to knock. I could hear static noises, as I turned around I saw nobody.

So I knocked on Angel's door, which I heard a long ass sigh from in there.

"Go away Charlie!" Angel yelled, which I jumped.

"It's not Charlie, Angel can you open the door?" I spoke, which I heard footsteps then Angel opened the door.

"What do you want, aren't you and Pentious Charlie's golden residents." Angel scoffed, which I looked down and sighed.

"I'm not, Pentious may be but I'm not." I spoke, which Angel opened his door and let me in.

"Fine, I guess you don't have a room yet. Just crash with me, but if you or Pentious slip up you're both dead. Understand?" Angel scoffed, which I nodded quickly.

As Angel watched my every move I really felt uncomfortable, I just tried to ignore it and sit down on his couch. He finally closed the door and flopped on his bed, as he looked at me.

"You remind me of someone, ya know?" Angel spoke, which I tended up.

"Who do I remind you of?" I asked, this made Angel smirk.

"Well I'm going to guess you know, some overlords right?" Angel exclaimed, which I nodded.

"So you probably didn't know, that there's a hidden overlord?" Angel smirked, which I snickered.

"Really?" I exclaimed nervously, as Angel nodded.

"I don't know her name, nobody does not even Alastor. I've seen her umm, a couple of times at Valentino's studio. I honestly thought she was another employee, Val picked up off the streets. Never saw her on camera, so if you or Pentious are working together-" Angel was saying, until I cut him off.

"Bruh I may know of Pentious, but I'm not working with his slithering ass." I laughed, which Angel shrugged.

As I got comfortable I closed my eyes, and I don't know if Angel thought I was asleep. But I heard voicemails from Valentino, and boy was he annoying as fuck...

"Angel baby, come home. It's not the same without you here, I miss you come back.."

"Angel you bitch, if you don't come home. You will be fucking greasy truckers for the next year!"

"Hey, amorcito I didn't mean to yell. But you know how crazy you make me f-"


"Hey, Angie about earlier-"


"Work's really stressful-"


"You actually think you can change? Addict trash like you doesn't change, I'll see you soon baby.~"

That was the last voicemail, then I heard Angel get sit up and sigh.

"Sorry, not now Fat Nuggets..." Angel groaned, as I heard him get off his bed and leave the room.

(Y/n) - Whatcha doing?

Pentious - Just setting up some cameras, what's the matter my dear?

(Y/n) - Well me and Angel are bunking rooms, I heard him go downstairs. So just don't get caught, because then there goes your cover not necessarily my cover.

Pentious - Thanks for the heads up my dear, oh shit I think Angel's down here...

Then after a few minutes I heard tumbling from downstairs, as I sighed. Then I heard jogging outside the door, so I peeked it was Charlie and Vaggie of course.

So I snuck down there and noticed Pentious did indeed got caught, which I groaned silently. As I knew he would either be kicked out, or killed.

But Charlie actually showed mercy, and honestly too much mercy gets you nowhere...

Charlie - tilted
Sir Pentious - bold
Angel and Vaggie - all
Pentious and Charlie - tilted and bold

It starts with sorry.
Charlie held her hand out to Pentious, as he blinked a couple of times.

That's your foot in the door, one simple sorry. Spoken straight from your core!
Charlie smiled, which Pentious seemed confused.

The path to forgiveness is a twisting trail of hearts, but sorry is where it starts!
Charlie danced, as the floor started to glow all pink and sparkly.

Who could forgive a dirtbag like me? I don't deserve your amnesty!
Pentious was nearly in tears, as my expression softened.

Can't we just kill him? Shoot him and spill his blood?
Vaggie and Angel got closer to Pentious, as Angel welded a tommy gun while Vaggie welded her spear.

That's an option you could choose...
Charlie sighed, as she doesn't like that kind of idea.

Works for us.
The two smiled devilishly, as they seemed to really hate Pentious.

But who hasn't been in his shoes? It starts with sorry!
Charlie smiled as she helped Pentious up, as he had tears in his eyes.

Dig down deeper and say one sincere sorry!
I'm so sorry!
Charlie and Pentious danced, as they sing which I just rolled my eyes.

And your journey's underway!
Charlie smiled brightly, as she knew he would get redeemed she had to prove one way.

It'll take time to cover your vast multitude of sins!
It'll take time to cover my vast multitude of sins!
They sang, as both of em' danced around.

But sorry is where it begins! It starts with sorry!
As they both finished, I decided to dip so I wouldn't get spotted as Pentious would probably take the watch off.

I had to retrieve it and hid it in my purse, so I wouldn't get my cover blown.

As I waited and waited, it seemed like Angel was fast asleep by now. So I started my journey downstairs, and walked to the room Pentious left his watch. As I turned it on, nothing seemed to be damage as I knew my father was pissed about Pentious blowing his cover.

But at least I still am okay at least I hope Angel believes me, I don't know if he does... Maybe, I just hope so..

As I turned the watch back off, mine started vibrating so I looked at my messages. Of course it was my father, I just smiled as I would answer his texts once I get to Angel's room.

Just as I was about to walk out of the room, something wrapped around my waist and neck... As I was roughly pinned against the wall, then I felt the spare watch get taken out of my pocket...

My little sinner!~ (Angel Dust x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now