Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Unfathomed sin!" Hellveig hissed. "If His Majesty does not see to your removal, I will scream of his brat's indecency- of her puppeteering Blade's, until my lungs give out and my body fails, and I cannot scream any longer!"

"That can be arranged sooner than you'd think," Elías canted his head to one side. "Though I am morally obligated to advise you against making threats to Her Royal Highness."

Her eyes widened. "What do your morals say about threatening innocent women?!"

"I'll never write him again!" I pleaded. "Please!" but the two of them; my governess and my favorite knight were locked in their own battle.

"My morals insist you are hardly innocent. Or did Svana just fall again?" he asked. "Did she shut her hands in a door?"

"I've tried to help her," Hellveig explained. "She is ungrateful; uneducable, un-!"

"-Unaware of how poorly she tredges on?" Elías finished. He took a heavy, clunky step towards Miss Hellveig and she took one back.

"Elías," I whispered. "No one will believe her."

But he wasn't afraid. Not of Miss Hellveig, not of what people might say. Not like I was.

He was stoic, brave, and unimpressed. Leaning his head one way, then the other; Hellveig started to rant. "Your room, Princess," he told me.

"Not without you." I muttered.

"Now." It was not an option.

Miss Hellveig furrowed her brow, gripping the head of her cane and used it to point at me. "Is this the example you're setting for Her Highness?"

"You will not touch her," Elías began. "You will not yell at her. You will not use fear to control her, ever again."

He urged her to keep moving back, and I was suddenly very scared.

"You can't hurt her," I cried. "They'll take you away from me!"

She nodded, "Listen to the girl, Blade."

"Stop it, please," I whined, clinging to his arm. His armor was hard to grip.

"This is unexceptable!" Hellveig laughed. "You think I can be threatened by a suit of armor? That I will stop disciplining the Princess because her knight, a nobody, asked me to? This is exactly what's wrong with her! She has no consequence for her disobedience, how can she run a nation? What if her father dies tomorrow!? Then what? Who shall we entrust with Oreia's future? The whore who can't commit to her husband?"

"She's fourteen," Elías said.

She shook her head. "I'm all she has. Without me, Svana will hang herself like Eliza did, before too long!"

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