[01] Peculiar Shrine Visits

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For a Tuesday night, it sure was busy at Musashi Shrine. In the past four years you've come to visit the place, never has it been this crowded on such an ordinary day. Perhaps there was an event on that you didn't know about?

Either way, a bunch of men on motorcycles wasn't going to scare you off. You needed to make your daily rounds... of offering coins to the Gods. A bad taste would be left in your mouth if you didn't do so - your brother raised you better than to be a scaredy cat.

You took in a deep breath and headed towards the stairs that led to the shrine itself - approaching some boys who were seemingly guarding the place. It was a bit of a weird sight for you to be so close to these many motorcycles in a day. Oh, it seemed like they had noticed your small presence. "Hey! This is no place for a little shit-eater like you! Get out of here!"

For such a potty mouth he didn't look to be the most confident in himself. Poor guy was just putting on an act to look cool. Before you could even reply, another person came marching from your right. "Oi! This isn't a freakin' art museum! Stop staring and scram!"

You just gave them blank stares and pushed the boy in front of you to the side. A 'gangster' he was; with just two fingers he stumbled backwards. "I'll kill you!" You attracted more attention with his claim.

He ran up to you with a single fist and attempted to punch you, however, you got into a stance with your dominant foot forward and grabbed the boy's arm with your two hands. With a bit of force, you were able to flip him over onto his back and flat on the concrete. "I'm just trying to get to the shrine. Excuse me..."

"Get that bitch!" Within a few seconds, you had more and more people try and attack you - some even played dirty and brought weapons. However, you and your school bag have been through worse! You swung around your bag-your own personal weapon-into people's faces left and right. Textbooks were perfect object for the extra weight needed to knock them out.

Eventually, you were able to make it to the base of the staircase with only a bead of sweat on your forehead. The people fighting you stopped since they were busy gawking at you casually strolling up towards their commander. They were afraid of what pain you were going to get from their captains, rather than the pain they felt from your bag.

A few faces could be made out from the faint street lamps on the stairs. There seemed to be approximately six people. When you made it to the top, the six males stared at you with utter confusion. They had observed your actions with their men and weren't sure how you even got past this point.

You on the other hand, mentally shrugged as you looked down on the blond-boy who was sitting on your left on the stairs. 'Tokyo Manji' was written on the back of his jacket - another wannabe gang wanting to take over Shibuya? Where have you heard that before?

You turned back to face forward and walked past him-unknowingly ignoring the boss of Toman itself-towards the Shinto bell. "Hey." A hand was placed onto your shoulder and forced you to turn backwards. A taller boy with a weird looking haircut stopped you. "What do you think you're doing here?"

You couldn't help but stare at his dragon tattoo before answering. "I'm going to pray to the shrine. Isn't that why you guys are here too?" The irk on his forehead got larger. "Or not... What are you doing here? A bunch of what, teenagers? Meeting up at a sacred place like this? That's a bit disrespectful, don't you think?"

Hanagaki Takemichi, a boy who had recently gotten acquainted with Toman, was probably the most shocked out of everyone. How and why was there a random girl here?! He practically shit his own pants when he first arrived here with his girlfriend, Hina. Yet this girl was standing strong in front of Draken. Takemichi couldn't help but feel inferior... and jealous at her skills and composure.

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