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18. Woman to Woman

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I've seen miserable Sophie when she learned that her college boyfriend cheated on her, or dejected Sandy, my college bestie, when she found out her crush only led her on, but the hurt flashes in Diandra's eyes right now is more painful to see. She's not my sister or my best friend whom I should care less about, yet I feel this way. Maybe it's because I'm the reason she's on the brim of breaking down right now.

"Mr. Knight, Ms. Garnett, there you are!" says a voice from down the hall. Chloe's party's event organizer is walking up to me and Ashton, who is already standing behind me. "It's almost blowing-candle time. We'd better go back to the table."

But none of us moves or speaks. We stay rooted to our spots, trying to get our minds back in the gear.

"We'll be there in a minute," Ashton finally says, his voice sounding tense.

Diandra's hand clutches her stomach and the other hand covers her mouth. "I feel sick. Oh my god." She then hurries to the restroom.

"Diandra, are you alright?" I ask but am only answered by a soft thud of the closing door. I turn to Ashton and our eyes meet, silently exchanging our unspoken words. I know he feels the same way as I do now: concerned, and maybe feeling bad for having to see Diandra like this. "I need to go check on her," I say, and Ashton nods.

"But this is almost the time," the event organizer interjects.

"Give me fifteen minutes."

"What will we do for fifteen minutes? Everyone is ready and waiting now."

"I don't know. Think of something. Make Ashton sing, or dance, or whatever," I reply as I walk to the ladies' room.

"I'll take care of the fifteen minutes." I hear Ashton's voice before the door behind me swings closed, swallowing the receding footsteps in the hallway. The commotion from a toilet booth is the only thing I can hear right now. Slowly, I tiptoe to the door and knock softly.

"Diandra? Are you alright?"

"Go away," she croaks between her gaggings. "You're a lying bitch!"

Okay, I deserve that. "I-I am sorry you had to find out this way," I stammer.

"You're a backstabber! A two-faced and a pathet...blaaargh!"

I wince at her words and also at the painful sound of her vomiting. "You sound very sick. Should I get Dickson to take you to the doctor?"

"I'm sick because of you," she seethes. "I don't need a doctor. And stop asking me questions now. Just, go, Charlotte. You make me pu...blaaarrgh!"

The intense hatred in her voice makes me shudder. I slowly walk to the washing counter and lean on it while waiting for her. I know I can just go now and ask someone to watch over her, but I want to make sure that everything is fine, especially after she found out about me and Ashton. Silently, I'm listening to her battle with nausea while my mind is roaming over. Is she catching stomach flu? Or is she really feeling sick because she heard us make out? I hope it's not the latter.

From her point of view, I can understand why she thinks I'm a hypocrite. I blatantly lied that I wasn't dating anyone thirty minutes ago during our table talk. And back at Dopium that night, instead of hinting to her about what had been going on between Ashton and me, I gave the impression as if I supported her advance toward her ex-boyfriend. But again, it was before we started a thing. You could have told her you two kissed, says another voice in my head, and I groan with guilt.

After a while, the gagging sound dies down and the vomiting stops. I hear the toilet being flushed for the last time before the door is pulled open, revealing Diandra's pale face and watery eyes. I can't mutter any word; I just quietly watch her trudge to the basin to wash her mouth and face.

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