Break Down My Walls

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I put on some loose clothes and headed to the home gym. My doctor said I should do light exercises and yoga at lease once a week.

When I walked in the gym, Hunter was in there lifting weights. He was shirtless and only wore a basketball shorts.

His back was turned to me as he faced the other side of the wall. Sweat slowly trickled down his spine. I could hear the loud music blasting through his earphones as he lifted the weights with ease.

My mouth dropped as I watched his muscles contract each time he lifted the weights.

He turned back and our eyes locked. I quickly looked away and pretended like I wasn't watching. He walked up to me as he pulled out his earphones.

"Were you watching me all this?"

I quickly shook my head. "No, I-I just got here." I said stuttering over a few of the words.

"You came just in time. I was just finishing up here." he announced as he wiped himself with a towel.

I turned around to head back down but I was anchored by a hand. When I turned back, he was looking at me.

"Where are you going?"

"I don't think I should've come here. I have way too much work to complete." I looked down on his hand. "Can you please let me go."

He looked on me with narrowed eyes for a few more seconds. He was probably trying to figure me out. "Are you okay?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"About yesterday. You left pretty quickly."

"Hunter we already agreed that we should just keep things professional. You're right we weren't thinking right. The reason I left was because I had a meeting. That's all. "

He looked at me again then finally let go.

On that note, I quickly turned around and walked swiftly to my room. I put on a cream uniform then headed straight out.

I planned on working at home for today but awkwardly bumping into Hunter again didn't seem too appealing.


As soon as Jannette saw me, she quickly got up. "Mrs. Lodge, I thought you weren't coming in today."

"Well plans changed." I said as I signed something on her desk.

"How so ma'am?"

I turned to her. "Since when do I have to explain my reason to come to work to you?"

"I'm sorry ma'am. I was just making conversation."

I rolled my eyes then walked into my office. I didn't mean to come off as mean but I really didn't want to talk about it.

These pesky little things called feelings were eating me up. It reminds me of when I had a crush as a school child. Everyday at school I would always feel anxious to know if he liked me back. Turns out he didn't and I promised myself I would never let that happen again. I've managed to not feel like that for ten years until now.

Who does he even think he is coming into my life and breaking down my walls that I've managed to uphold for years? It must be because I'm pregnant. That's the only logical reason.

I was broken out of thought by Jannette.

"Miss Kennedy is here."

I pushed the hair that was falling in front of my face to behind my ears. "Send her in."

Kennedy walked in with a bag and a broad smile on her face. "I was afraid you wouldn't be here today."

I smiled. "I wasn't. What's in the bag?"

She took out two bowls and rest them on my desk. "Lunch. I knew you were probably be starving my godson."

I looked in the bowl. "And you decided to bring a salad?"

She rolled her eyes. "If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have anything at all. Plus  I'm on a diet."

I laughed. "Well thank you kind Kennedy."

We started eating in silence. Talking wasn't really the first thing I wanted to do right now. She looked at me.

"You've been quiet. What's wrong?"

I shook my head. "I don't want to talk about it."

I did want to talk about it but I couldn't. Kennedy doesn't know that Hunter and I aren't actually together. I promised her no more secrets. If I tell her now, she'll only get upset again.

She gave me a pitiful look. "You don't have to tell me what's going on but just know I'm always here for you. That's what best friends are for."

Hearing her say that made me freeze. I haven't adjusted to the term 'best friend' as yet. The last time I'd ever had a best friend was back in primary school. My parents started to train me from early on how to be in business. I guess I shut myself off from getting too close with anyone because of it.

"Sophia!" Kennedy shouted.

I looked back on her.

"That's enough. Let's go."

"What? Go where?"

She got up and threw our bowls in the garbage. "I can't stand to see you like this so I'm going to cheer you up."

"I don't want to be cheered up."

"Well do it for the baby. He's channeling all that bad energy."

"I can't. I have all these work." I complained as I pretended to look through files that had been completed since two days ago.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh come on. You can finish those later."

I stood and picked up my bag. "Fine but we can't stay long." I drilled.

"Yes ma'am."


We came out the building and walked along the sidewalk of the busy streets. Everyone was either coming from lunch or going to.

"Zach and I are planning on adopting." she announced.

I quickly turned my head to her. "Really?"

She nodded. "We decided on it last night. I wanted you to be the first to know."

I immediately stopped and hugged her. "I am so happy for you Kens."

She pulled back. "Thank you."

"We're going to be moms together." I laughed as we continued you walking.

"Hunter and Zach will finally bond over something other than business."

Just hearing his name brought a feeling in my stomach.

"Soph are you really alright?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"One minute you're laughing, the next you look like you've seen a ghost."

"I just remember I forgot to do something that's all."

She nodded. "I see so how is Hunter? I passed by his office first but his assistant said he wasn't there."

"I left him at home."

"You two are just the cutest. I heard a couple of my students saying they want you be like you guys."

Trust me little ones, you shouldn't.

I laughed and we continued strolling down the sidewalk until we turned back.

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