The flower has been revived

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" I think I should wear white. Yeah I'll wear white." Haruka quickly gets changed and does her hair. " I wonder if she came here yet.." Haruka sighs and walks out of her room. The maids whisper and glance at Haruka. She kept walking while every maid and butler were gossiping about her. She didn't care but it was bothersome because they were noisy. " HARUKA GALADRIEL BRONTES"
Someone comes running up to haruka. It was a lady dressed in green with brown hair that had a mad look on her face. " Hello Lady Agrona, you look.. Lovely today "
The girl named Agrona walks up to Haruka and stops and puts her hands on her hips. " C'mon don't be so formal, we are both friends, remember!" Agora's face went from a mad look then to a look with a big smile on her face. " Agora is a nice girl, it really is too bad she had to die so young, she was very naive and got married at the age of... maybe 16? Well, she got murdered by her husband.. There was no justice for her at all." Agora sways her hand in front of Haruka trying to get her attention. " Earth to blossom, Hey Haruka you there?" Haruka backs up from her. " Sorry.. Lady Agora." Agora gets her mad face again. " Oh Yeah! You didn't come to my tea party yesterday!!" Haruka stays silent. " I apologize I must have had too much on my mind yesterday." Agora smiles and bows. " Goodbye Haruka, and bless the Ananta Desponia empire." Haruka continues to walk down the long path of stairs. " Ananta Desponia.. Huh, Ananta means never ending and endless and Desponia means Mistress and lady.. It's because apparently girls are more likely to be born and become empress and because the first emperor loved his wife so much he named the empire that."

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