Petals wither without its steam

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" That Bitch!! Who does Haruka think she is?! I was the one who created her, she is supposed to be sweet and innocent and weak!? Does she think I didn't notice that fake smile?! Does she maybe know something... No! That can't be right! I created her. I am going to be like those isekai novels that i read! I will make her into a bad person, steal her life and have a great ending! It shouldn't matter anyways it's not like she's real and has feelings anyway, shes just some character i made 3 years ago in a stupid book. I made the male lead so I should be able to marry him and have a happy ever after. I'm not the bad guy here, she just doesn't have to be a part of the story." Ouraina walks away from the hallway to go to her room. But the maid Kore walks to the ladies room. " Did she notice? I'm sure she didn't. Ok now I'm positive that Ouriana is Aimi. Why is she trying to do this though? I don't understand, wouldn't she want to help out the main characters? I remember Ouriana was supposed to be the main character's best friend and then later end up with one of Haruka's royal maids when Haruka becomes Empress. Aimi always wanted to be the best, she was a very obsessive person and still is." Haruka gets undressed, she puts on a silky purple nightgown and pink shawl. She undoes her hair and puts it in a low ponytail. " Okay, I need a book, wait.. I'm sure i had a dairy at this age or maybe was it at 15 i got it. If i have it, it should be.... Ah! Yes it's here! I wonder what I was writing in this..." Haruka gets a smirk on her face. Haruka opens the diary that says " Ananta Despoina Royal Family BloodLine '' .. Haruka starts to read. " I remember putting this as the title so the maids would just glance at it and leave it alone. '' Okay, let's read this.

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