1) Calling

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"Y/n!" A voice shouted calling me downstairs for breakfast. It belonged to my mum.

"Coming Mum!" I called back.

Reaching for a jacket from my cupboard I slid into it before rushing out my bedroom door. I made my way down the hallway and stood at the top of the stairs. Jumping onto the banister I slid down the stairs instead of walking which resulted in my mum lecturing me.

"What have I told you about sliding down that banister? You're going to end up seriously hurt one day and I will have zero sympathy for you."

I just chuckled, rolling my eyes at my mum's frustrated tone. I was always doing things like that and my mum hated it.

"I mean it Y/n Payne!" She warned.


Yep that's right I'm Y/n Payne, and yes Payne as in the band member Liam Payne from the famous boy band One Direction.

Liam is my older brother. It's been four years since the band's X-Factor days and they had already toured the world twice. The band really was a massive success and Liam had really become quite famous, which scared me.

I went from being a normal girl who lived a normal life to being the sister of one of the band members in the biggest band in the world. Everyone knew who my brother was and because they knew my brother many of his fans knew me. I had met the boys many times before at some of their big events and when I went to watch their concerts. They were all like big brothers to me.

But unlike Liam's life, my life isn't exactly peaches and cream. I don't sell out stadiums or top the music charts. I live at home with our mum. I did go to school but things became hectic after One Direction became famous and some of the fans started stalking me at school so now I'm home schooled. My life is boring and I'm not allowed to leave the house much as it's a 'risk to my safety'. But I also have really bad mental health.

I suffer from anxiety and an eating disorder. I hate eating food in front of people and I hate my appearance. I suffer from Bulimia. I'm also not unknown to experience panic attacks. It's something I've dealt with for a long time, even before Liam went on the X-Factor. It began when Liam and I's parents got divorced. Dad left when I was 10 which caused a lot of my anxiety. My eating disorder started when I was 13 and started getting bullied at school.

I'm sixteen now, so I've been battling the eating disorder for three years and the anxiety for six. It hasn't been easy but staying away from the public eye and my family's support has made things easier for me. I'm much better than what I was before, I do eat three meals a day most days but sometimes I don't eat at all, it's on and off. As for my anxiety and panic attacks; my anxiety comes and goes and I haven't had a panic attack for two years and I'm hoping to keep that record.


"I know you are Mum!"

"Mhmm." She replied.

I made myself a cup of tea and sat down at the kitchen table across from my mum. She had that look on her face. The look that meant she had something serious to tell me that wasn't necessarily good.

"Spit it out." I said.

"Spit what out? My food!" My mum responded disgusted at the idea.

"Figuratively Mum. You have that look on your face." I sighed.

"What look?" She was trying to play dumb.

I just rolled my eyes. If she was going to play pretend then so be it.

"Look Y/n we need to talk."

Finally. After minutes of sitting in awkward silence she made her move to talk.

"Okay. Fire away."

"I'm going to Africa. Not forever! But for a year or two. I'm going to help the newborn babies in the disadvantaged communities." Words flew from her mouth.


"I know. But you can't come with me and I can't leave you here alone."

"Then what happens? I go into foster care? You send me to a boarding school? I thought you didn't want me at school because of my safety." I began rambling nervously.

My anxiety was kicking in and I was becoming more on edge by the second. I was having trouble comprehending what my mum was telling me. My breathing became more rapid.

"Y/n, breathe. You're not going into foster care and you're not being sent to boarding school. You're going to live with your brother."


"Yes Liam."

"But isn't he about to go on tour?" I argued.

"Yes, but he's spoken to management and the boys. They don't have a problem with you joining them on tour. The tour doesn't start for another month so you'll be living with the boys in their shared house for a little while first." My mum explained.

"Wait, when do you leave?"

"In a few days."

"A few days! Why are you only just telling me this now!" I was shouting.

"Because I only just found out three days ago. Look if I could wait any longer I would but these communities desperately need help. I'll take you shopping today and help you pack your bag. We've booked you a flight for tomorrow morning."

"Okay." I breathed.

"I know it's a lot to process but we'll get through this together."


By the end of The Monday I had a fully packed suitcase and a plane ticket for London in my hand. Today had been an emotional roller coaster and I was more than ready to close my eyes and let sleep take over so that's exactly what I did. I changed out of my jeans and slipped into my favorite pair of pajamas before tucking myself into bed, closing my eyes and falling into a deep dreamless sleep.

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