10) Worry

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The boys continued to perform to their crowd of thousands while I watched from side stage. It was hard to believe that they were my family but it made me immensely proud.

They were singing the last verse of 'Live While We're Young' when Paul came up behind me.

"Enjoying the show?" He asked.

"Definitely. Much trouble tonight?"

"From the boys, no. Not tonight anyway. From the fans, mostly just stuff being thrown on stage."

Shock washed over me. They were throwing things onto the stage? Paul saw the look of shock on my face and quickly gave me more information on the situation.

"It's fairly normal. The boys don't mind, if anything they find it quite funny. Only annoying for us because we're constantly having to grab them off the stage so they don't slip."

Well at least the boys weren't getting hurt.

"We have a bucket at the bottom of the stage where we put everything. More often than not the boys go looking through it and have a massive laugh over it. I'm sure they'll join you in on the fun." Paul chuckled at the thought.

It brought a smile to my face too. Although after reading some of the tweets the boys' fans have posted I began wondering whether or not I did want to know what was being thrown on stage.

Suddenly I became very dizzy. The noise was ringing in my ears which was odd considering I was wearing ear plugs. I began to lose my balance a little and Paul noticed.

"You okay Y/n?" He asked slightly unsure if he should be concerned.

"Yeh, perfectly fine. I just had one of the lights shine in my eyes so I was blinded for a quick sec." I made up an excuse.

Paul gave me a funny look but I didn't pay too much attention because I was becoming dizzier by the second. My vision was now becoming slightly blurry as I began to sway a little. I was losing more and more of my balance.

Then I felt Paul grabbing onto my hands and his worried face filled my already blurry vision.

"Y/n? Talk to me." Paul spoke.

His voice seemed so far away even though he was right in front of me. I remember him standing beside me but not in front of me. Paul was helping me keep steady as I continued to lightly sway.

"Umm yeah, maybe just a little dizzy." I groaned slightly confused.

"Alright, that's okay. When was the last time you ate?" Paul asked me, moving his head with mine so he could stay in my vision.

"I, I can't remember. Yesterday maybe?"

Everything seemed to be moving further away. I could feel another pair of hands steading me from behind. Paul was talking to the person and they were talking back but both their voices were too muffled for me to understand what they were saying.

"Y/n? Y/n can you hear me?" Paul was calling me but I was beginning to grow tired.

"We're gonna lay you down okay?" He continued to call to me.

We? Who was he with. I can't remember what's going on. I couldn't see or hear anything properly. Paul was trying to talk to me but his voice was fuzzy and inaudible.

"You're okay, I've got you."

Those were the last words I was able to make out before my vision went completely dark and I was falling backwards.


Liam's POV

The boys and I were in the middle of singing 'C'mon, C'mon' the last song on our set list before our quick intermission when Harry nudged me and pointed his head in the direction of backstage. That was when the most horrifying thing filled my view.

Paul was standing directly in front of Y/n holding her steady while Preston was supporting her from behind. Y/n was completely off balance and I could see how pale she was from on stage. She was not okay and I wanted more than anything to run off stage and be with her, but I knew I couldn't.

Harry pulled out his in-ear monitors and pulled his microphone away from his face before he spoke into my ear.

"Don't panic, she's with Paul. One more song and then we can go be with her." He reassured me trying to keep me calm.

Louis and Zayn gave us a funny look before Harry subtly pointed out Y/n side stage and I watched as their faces changed from looks of confusion to worry.

It was when Niall noticed there was something he didn't know that hurt the most because unlike the other boys Niall wasn't as good at hiding his emotions.

I continued to power through the last verse of the song desperate for intermission. Taking a quick glance side stage I saw Y/n fall backwards only to be caught by Preston as he supported her head and laid her on the floor.

Horror struck me. My sister had collapsed and was most likely unconscious. I looked to the other boys to see if they had seen the same thing I did and my thought was confirmed when I saw Zayn give me a sympathetic look.

Finally the song ended and the music stopped. Louis was quick to jump to the mic and speak to the audience.

"Alright guys, we're taking a short intermission and we'll see you all in a bit." His voice echoed through the arena and the fans screamed.

The second the lights turned off we were all sprinting side stage to Y/n. Paddy and Alberto were trying to keep us at bay while Paul, Preston and a medic were kneeling by my sister's side.

"Paddy let me through!" I yelled at him desperate to help my sister.

I tried pushing my way through before Louis was placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Mate, let them help her first."

Letting out a sigh I stopped resisting and watched as Paul lifted an unconscious Y/n into his arms and walked down to the dressing rooms followed by Preston and the medic. Paddy let me through and I began running after Paul with the boys close behind me.

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