20) Change

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Zayn's POV

Crew members were climbing up and down scaffolding and the sound of hammering and drilling echoed through the arena. Quick work was being made in the hopes that the stage would be sound enough for tomorrow nights opening performance in a brand new city.

The schedule was harsh leaving barely anytime for bathroom breaks let alone exploring the beautiful sights recommended to us by arena staff. With so many fans and so many cities we were required to perform in we simply just never had time.

It was a real challenge trying to rehearse on a stage crowded with workers and with a sound system that was in the middle of being set up, but we had to follow the schedule. 

While the stage crew, sound engineers and Paul battled it out we were easily distracted by the arrival of the bands sixth honorary member Y/n. She was being accompanied by Preston who was keeping a keen eye on her per everyone's request. 

We all waved at her seeing her bright smile and happy nature, it was a nice change seeing her in such a light mood after the rough past few weeks she had experienced. 

"Alright, I've spoken to the team" Paul quickly pulled us away from our interaction with our younger sister and straight back into business.

"Everyone is in agreeance to cancel rehearsal for the time being so you'll be able to take a break for an hour or so." Explained Paul.

"Thank God!" Louis breathed.

The tension instantly left everyone's bodies and the idea of a break was simply heaven.


"No Paul! Don't say but." Harry groaned.

"You have to do rehearsals tonight instead though." Paul broke to us.

"Tonight! That's no fair!" Whined Niall.

"I'm sorry boys, but there is nothing I can do about it. We're trying our best and I'm working on having the schedules changed so you'll have more time for the rest of the tour. But for now Go and enjoy whatever break time you have before we change our minds." 

Paul's sympathy wasn't a big enough aid in changing the mood. Suddenly Y/n appeared, none of us realising she had made it onto the stage.

"What's going on?" She asked, oblivious to the bickering that had taken place majority of the morning.

"Well, we were just talking about all of us going and grabbing some ice cream. Apparently the  place around the block from here is the best in the city." Liam quickly and expertly came up with a cover. No one was going to risk putting Y/n back into the slump she had previously been in. 

"That sounds fun." She smiled brightly.

"Well if that's the plan then lets move and get out of the way." Paul rushed us off the stage grabbing Y/n by the arm leading her away causing us to follow.

A van had been driven around to the staff parking lot where we had suddenly found ourselves, rather than the usual back lot in the garage near the dressing rooms. But since everything was so chaotic it was far more important that we got out of Paul's hair.

Paddy and Preston met us at the exit exchanging words with Paul while the driver introduced themselves. All six of us piled into the van waiting for security to join us.

"Keep them safe, I want them back in one piece!"


Liam's POV

We had been standing waiting for Niall to pick an ice cream flavour for what felt like an eternity. Everyone else was ready to pay and sit down, but of course the overwhelming choice of flavours had stumped Niall.

"Mate we were here not even two days ago, surely you know what you want." Harry begged Niall to choose.

"You guys got ice cream without me!" Y/n looked up at me with her signature sad puppy dog eyes that always managed to get her out of trouble.

"I didn't." 

"We did. On our way back from the airport." Zayn explained.

"And Niall swore if we ever came here again he wouldn't spend more than five minutes picking a flavour." Harry passively targeted.

"Alright that's enough, I'll wait with Niall you lot go sit down." Preston rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"What flavour did you all get" Paddy asked as he was handed his own cone of pistachio.

"Mint choc chip." Zayn and Louis chimed in synch.

"Chocolate." I grinned.

"Honey comb." Mumbled Harry mid mouthful.

Paddy looked towards my sister who was silently licking away at her own scoop of ice cream, seemingly content with herself.

"And what about you Y/n/n?" 

"Vanilla." She hummed sweetly.

"Just vanilla? Out of all the delicious flavours you could have gotten you got vanilla?" Niall frowned, disgusted in Y/n's choice. I shot him a warning look the second those words came out of his mouth, reminding him of the circumstances.

"It's what I always get, besides you can never go wrong with vanilla." She shrugged without a care of his opinion, a change I had yet to see. But a good change none the less.

"Well cookie dough is the superior ice cream flavour and you ought to try it." 

"Niall. You get that every time." Zayn rolled his eyes.

"And you're picking on Y/n about sticking to vanilla!" Harry added.

"Yeah well at least cookie dough isn't boring." He tried defending himself but it was no use.

Everyone laughed at the hole Niall had dug himself and in response he sulked as he slumped into his chosen seat.

"Eat your ice creams before they melt. I'm not paying for new ones." Preston chuckled.

I was clueless as to how our team wasn't tired of our petty childish behaviour but I wasn't about to start complaining. 

Y/n was resting her head on Harry's shoulder as the tiredness she was trying so hard to hide was taking control. She was watching Zayn ridicule Niall for making such a mess as he continued to spill melted ice cream all over his hands and face like a three year old.

Harry and Louis were having a conversation about goodness knows what before they became too distracted by Y/n's laughing. So they too started laughing and the sight of Niall and Zayn's annoyance.

As I looked around the tables where we all sat and realised that it wasn't going to be like this forever. With only one month left of the tour my time with Y/n was rapidly running out. Saying goodbye this time is going to be so much harder than previous times because we've spent so much time together.

Y/n stretched out  yawn signalling it was well and truly time for us to go back to the stadium dropping her off at the tour bus on the way so that she could go to bed. It meant there was no escaping rehearsals, but Y/n needed her sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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