■26 - Who's The Bob?■

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Laurel tried to hide her smile by biting the insides of her cheeks. After waiting with a suppressed anticipation, she was exhilarated because it was finally Saturday today. She clutched the straps of her backpack as she kicked a lone pebble.

Even though she wouldn't admit it out loud, least of all to Bob, the real reason she had wanted to meet him was because she had this urge to see him. To know what he looks like. Would he have green eyes or blue eyes? Black hair or red hair? Strong built or lean built? Her imagination could run wild like that and so she decided to put a stop to her curiosity and find it out herself.

Earlier in the morning, Laurel had chatted with Bob briefly, discussing where exactly to meet, what they would wear to identify each other. Even after Laurel's persistence, Bob didn't reveal what he would be wearing just so that he could "surprise" her. That made her heart beat fast and she giggled secretly.

He wants to surprise me, she thought again giddily. She admitted that she likes that stinky blob of Bob and she was happy that they were back to being on good terms.

Not only that, they had even exchanged their numbers to know where exactly the first one to come would be standing.

She stood idly against a tree in the park - she suggested the park because it was closer to her dormitory - and tried to shove down her nerves. Her eyes were bouncing from one person to another, trying to guess if one of them was Bob.

Impatiently, she checked the time on her wrist watch which read 5:13 pm. With a heavy exhale, she went back to searching the faces of the passersby and trying to picture them as Bob but shook her head every time someone didn't act accordingly during her scanning process.

Meanwhile, a few yards away, Bob quickly parked his car outside the park Pixie and he had decided to meet in. The mere mention of her "name" made him grin stupidly and he had to roll his eyes.

Bob pulled the cap further on his head before fixing his aviators to not be recognized by anyone. His profession had got him some fans but sometimes, they could be overwhelming, to put it modestly.

Quickening his steps, he headed toward the park's entrance as his eyes roved around to find the said Pixie. He fished out his phone, his focus still on the people milling around as he walked further inside.

However before he could dial her number, his gaze fell upon a hunched over figure, who was scribbling something in her book. She was sitting in a relaxed posture but that didn't shake him.

What stupefied him was that she was wearing a white fluffy sweatshirt and blue jeans. Her raven hair was tied up in a bun and she took that exact moment to brush aside her fringes.

He almost stopped breathing because Pixie had told him that she would be wearing that exact attire. He was sure that it was her and the inside of his chest began thudding crazily.

A disbelieving smile graced his face because he was finally getting to meet her. He couldn't believe that this very girl was the reason for his happiness. One text from her and his heart would fiddle around in its cage.

With one hand in his pocket, playing with the "demanded" sorry letter and his other hand behind his back, holding a small bouquet of daisies, he tried to tone down his happy yet nervous emotions. He couldn't see her face properly because her head was hung low and her entire concentration was in her book. 

Is she completing her comic? he mused, smiling to himself and staring in her direction.

As if granting him his wish, she lifted her head up with a cute dimpled smile. That made him stop on his tracks abruptly as he stared at her familiar face.

All his world came crashing down on him and he took a few steps backward before spinning on his heels and jogging in the opposite direction. Away from her.

He was a coward then, he was a coward now and he knew it but he couldn't face it. Dumping the bouquet of daisies in a nearby trash can, he removed his cellphone from his pockets.

With shaky fingers, he hastily typed down a message to her and dashed out of the park like his invisible tail was on a very visible fire.

Just then, Laurel looked up after writing down something in her book. As she was looking around, she saw a couple strolling hand in hand, a cute girl who seemed to be around five was jumping instead of walking while her parents yelled at her from behind but there was slight amusement on their faces.

A guy with his back turned to her was walking away which almost seemed like he was jogging. Before she could divert her attention from him, she saw him tossing away a bouquet in one of the trash cans. Her eyes widened as the only logical reasoning she could come up with was that maybe he had a bad day with his girl?

Her people analysing was however interrupted as she heard her phone chiming in response. Before she could stop herself, her lips tilted up in a wide smile. Bob had told her that he would call her but the message was just fine too.


Hey, I am sorry that I can't make it today. Something came up. I am so sorry again and I hope you understand.

She didn't know how to react to that but something inside of her broke. She wanted to understand, she really did but she couldn't help but feel that she was stood up.

A small tear of hurt fell down her cheek but she quickly wiped it away with the sleeve of her sweatshirt. Sniffling, she looked down at the page where she had scribbled something. She wanted to give it to Bob but now she couldn't.

The words, 'You're forgiven, you stinky blob of Bob <3' stared back at her which riled up her tears even further.

With deep sadness, she closed the book before getting up and walking the distance to her dormitory.

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