Unknowing Him

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A bittersweet story about a lover who never stayed and a love that never ended.

May Van de Kamp had three goals: graduate high school with honors, finish college as fast as possible, and get accepted into medical school. In her pursuit of success, avoiding distractions like the plague had been her mantra. Having done superbly up to her sophomore year, the strong-willed girl thought she had it all figured out.

Until one fateful night. When a single message popped up on her phone, failing to foresee the invisible portal it would open, she unwittingly welcomed the inevitable change she—oh-so—despised.

Noah Thompson was not looking for trouble. The brown-eyed 20-year-old had been through it all; love, heartbreak, and everything that came with it. He had just been scrolling through social media when he came across the well-crafted profile of a girl from his middle school.

One thing led to another; what should have been a harmless reunion ended up leading them to a path they would grow to regret.

Her intransigence complemented his forbearance. His humor matched her wit. They found love in one another and held onto it. But can love conquer all? Or will their sweet hi blossom into a bitter goodbye?

This short story, narrated from only May's point of view, explores the hurdles of success, communication, young love, and loss.

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