11 - Adore you

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"I'd walk through fire for you, just let me adore you... like it's the only thing I'll ever do." Adore you by Harry Styles.

" Adore you by Harry Styles

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Thursday, July 4th, 2013

10:00 AM

I stirred in my sleep as I absently ran my hand over the couch. I was patting the cushions without opening my eyes, looking for the man I had spent the night tangled with. No Noah. I frowned.

A chuckle came from across the room, and I followed the melodic sound with my eyes. Noah was rousing in the kitchen, gripping a whisk in one of his hands and a pan in the other. He was wearing a tiny apron around his waist and a full-sized smile on his pretty face.

I was not a morning person. I often felt bad for people who had the misfortune of dealing with me before my caffeine fix. Coffee was food for my soul- It gave me the clarity and energy I needed to cope with the world. It was my favorite drug.

... before I met Noah, that is. Noah had become my new favorite drug. I was addicted to him in every sense. His presence. His smile. His touch. His scent. His eyes. His love...

Everything about him was enticing; he was euphoria personified. I was high on him.

Rubbing my left eye with the pad of my palm, I spoke in a sleepy voice. "So, it wasn't a dream. You really are here."

"In the flesh, baby!" he looked up at me and smiled. The morning sun snuck through the window and illuminated the kitchen. Noah's skin refracted the sun's rays and sent them my way, blinding my eyes.

He looked enthralling; I was enchanted. I had it bad for that man. Every glance I threw at him made my body tingle everywhere.

I wetted my dry lips and gulped. "Did you sleep well?" I asked, getting up from the couch and stretching my stiff muscles.

"I had the best sleep of my life with you in my arms." He grinned, flipping what looked like an egg on the pan. Oh boy, I was already weak in the knees. He didn't have to try to charm me.

I ambled toward him, inspecting all the ingredients sprawled up on the kitchen counter. "I see the sleeping pill has worn off." I couldn't help but smirk.

Noah had a bigger smirk on his face as he grabbed my hand and pulled me forward, caging me between him and the kitchen counter. He tipped my chin up with his hand and gazed into my eyes. His lips hovered over mine and his iris flickered between my eyes.

Leaning down to meet my height, he pressed his forehead against mine. I couldn't handle the teasing. The anticipation of experiencing the same out-of-body experience I had a few hours ago, when his lips met mine, was killing me. I had already shut my eyes closed as I braced myself for what was coming.

Noah leaned back a little and let out a breathy chuckle. Clutching my waist with one of his hands, he cupped my chin with the other and his plump lips brushed mine ever so slightly. I stayed frozen, willing the butterflies in my stomach to calm down.

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