Chapter 25: Infra Gehenna

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There would be a brief mention of rape in this chapter. I don't know if I'm doing this right, but it's only one or two sentences. Still, it would be better for you to know.


"This is the Empire's Greatest Prison." 

"Infra Gehenna."

Avy was appalled by the scene she witnessed, the man started screaming and begging for his life and tried to run away but the Knights prevented him from doing so. He had no choice but to comply, he eyed the opening gates in horror as if he was seeing death itself. Avy was only taken back when something blocked her sight.

"Take the lady inside." It was the Duke who stood in front of her. Even though Avy was a tall girl herself, her Father was superior in terms of height. She tried to peek but Mariel and Clerivan escorted her inside quickly as if they were keeping her from seeing more hideous things. She somewhat understood why Mariel tried to stop her from going. 

They entered the headquarters through a small cabin attached to the wall where they passed through a small door before finally reaching the inside. It was bright and the ground was filled with clean green grass that you can roll yourself on. There were some knights scattered around inspecting the surroundings, a couple of yards away from them, was a battalion of top naked men running in line while chanting some kind of soldier chant simultaneously. 

She was surprised of course, not because of the sweaty bodies of the running knights but the headquarters as a whole, based on how the man reacted, she thought it would look like hell. But then again, she was wrong. There was a man-made lake surrounding the big estate that stood in the middle of the place with few buildings on the sides and a fancy fountain in front made out of carved marbles. It was way bigger and wider in scope compared to the estate she lives in. And to be honest, it didn't look like a prison at all.

They proceeded to walk father until they reached the vast grounds where the knights were practicing their combat skills, may it be hand to hand or with swords, but none of them were using magic. 

"How strange." she muttered

"It's because the ravens are trained to hone the things that no one can take away." someone suddenly said from behind her. She turned around and saw a tall man with messy brown hair, he was wearing the clothes of a knight but the design was slightly different. His emerald green eyes looked down at her without any hint of emotion in them. They were cold before he blinked and opened his eyes again. 

"Knights are supposed to be ready to move and fight all the time. But only mastering magic that nature can easily snatch away is a huge disadvantage." he smiled gently before speaking again. "Hello, My Lady. " that familiar smile of his triggered a memory within Avy, she knew for a fact that man was someone that the original Avy was acquainted with.

"Vienny!! Look, look!!" an image of little Avy running happily towards the knight while holding a small dagger adorned with violet jewels flashed in her mind. Her face was bright as the morning sun, hair dancing in the wind as she jumped up and down in excitement.

"That's a pretty dagger, My Lady." the Knight named Luviene crouched down to her level to lift her up.

She childishly hummed and nodded "Auntie Stella gave it to me!" she put the blade on his neck and giggled. "She told me to use this to stab boys who come near me without her permission." she said.

"Are you going to kill this man as well?" Luviene smiled 

Little Avy took the dagger away and looked around before leaning in to whisper on the knight's ear. "Auntie said she will kill you herself, but I'll hide you under my bed, Vienny." she told him, making the knight chuckle at her answer.

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