Chapter 51: Opportunistic Friendship

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Duke Alton did not hide his displeasure as he watched his daughter willingly walk away with the prince. The same could be said with the men he shared blood with.

"Let us not ruin the atmosphere with worry, shall we?" It was the emperor who broke the ice as it was getting too evident that the Arkwrights disliked the gesture he made previously when he allowed his eldest son to whisk away the only Arkwright lady. 

"Rumors might start, Your Majesty," Lord Alcasser replied, calm yet showing not a hint of amusement. However, inapparent his vexation was to the surrounding individuals, it was clear for his family to see.

"This is the first time that the little princess attended a gathering. Will you let her wait for you to finish talking about business matters when she can go forth and socialize?" Emperor Lucian smiled with his subtly twinkling golden eyes, not breaking his front in spite of the heavy stares on his person. 

The Arkwrights knew all too well that the man before them never offered the lady to go with the first prince out of the goodness of his heart. It was because he wanted to claim her without uttering even a single word to other countries and without making a bold move that may or may not instigate unwanted ire. After all, he cannot put shackles on the girl due to her family's wishes and their agreement. An invisible string will do for now. 

Kriseon is powerful enough as it is, standing on top of other nations in terms of military power. The only flaw they have is that their land does not bear sufficient magic stones that would serve as a main power source that would run the empire. Having a diplomatic relation through arranged marriage with a country possessing this desired quality will surely solve the problem. However, this is not worth more than the support that the Arkwrights could give if Avy entered the imperial family. 

Emperor Lucian could get his hands on countries that could provide his empire the things that they lack. However, there was only one Avy Arkwright that could support his heir during his rule after his era as the reigning monarch was over. She was an investment that he could not afford to let go. 

"That aside, I hope the agreement with Auxiviel is going well," the white-haired monarch remarked with an unreadable undertone, obviously changing the subject to redirect the Arkwrights' attention. 

"It is going as expected, Your Majesty," Duke Alton answered, his tone still has yet to lose the venom laced intricately within it. 

"Excellent. That country's young ruler specifically asked for the Arkwrights to handle this affair. There must be no miscalculation lest we get a small cub feasting on our legs." 

The Arkwrights understood what he meant, the two heads' eyes became more serious than before. 

"He is indeed ambitious. Deciding whether that one is a friend or a foe must not be done out of mere magic stone mines, Your Majesty. We will be sure to keep track of what he does." The previous duke narrowed his eyes, though his prior vexation earlier has yet to fully disappear. 

The ball continued as usually did the year before and the ones before that, with each representative conversing about matters involving their countries with their fellow envoys. It was, however, interrupted when darkness swallowed the entirety of the luxurious hall. 

The Arkwright men stood on guard even though they all felt a pang of pain hitting their heads. It was almost identical whenever the monthly cessation of their empire going without magic for a maximum of two days happens. Then, they remembered the absence of their only girl in the midst of the chaos. 

Avy was not with them. She was alone with a man they did not trust––out of their reach once again. 


Darkness' Touchजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें