Chapter - 7

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Hello, Salaam Namaskar..... to all my sweetest buddies🤘🤘

Hope that all of you're doing fine.

I've added this song because it clearly justifies the character of Kajal

A free and stubborn bird who live her life on her terms....

Let's enjoy the story...
Happy Reading 😊😊


After Raj went to his office, Kajal went out with Karan and Kavya to hang out for a while.
But as Karan told her, she didn't informed Raj about it.

At first three of them went to the mall.... they went to the play zone and played a lot video games.

"Hey Kiddos let's catch a movie... Come on".... Karan asked both the girls for a movie. They both agreed instantly.

In the movie theater during a song Kajal saw a couple having a lovely time with each other.

A girl was smiling by her head down. Her hairs were fallen on her face when her boyfriend moved then behind and kissed her cheek. There hands are intertwined together.

Kajal smiled at them but her smiled vanished suddenly.

"I can't be able to enjoy such love moments ever... Coz now I'm married to a person whom I didn't love at all"kajal thought and felt both anger helpless on her fate.

Raj came at 9 at night. Everything was trace of anyone.He gets tensed to find the whole mansion empty.

" Mariam auntie must be in her quaters by now..... But where is Kajal... I think I should call her".... He said himself and take his phone when the reality hit him.... He still didn't have her number....

He sighed in relief when he opened his whatsApp..... It was a message from Mariam auntie.

Kajal went out with her friends. She'll be home till evening. Dinner is kept in fridge....
Good night Baba....

Raj smiled on her msg but got tensed on the thought that.... Kajal must be home till evening but now it's dark.

After catching up with the movie. Kavya and Kajal shopped for a while and they all went to the food court to fill their empty stomach.

"Kajal it's almost 9 now.... You sure you informed Mr. Raj that you'll be late".... Kavya asked Kajal worriedly.
Kajal rolled her eyes on her.

" Kiddo... It's not a joke Kavya is right.... Being your husband it's his right to know your whereabouts "Said Karan seriously.

" Are you guys for real.... You both are my best friends not his"..... Kajal said irritatingly

Karan cupped her palms with his and said, "Relax kiddo... Of course we're your friends. Listen.... You've to give all this a bit time.... You need enough patience  to deal with everything.

I know the situation is very unrealistic but it is only the situation now and....You can't escape from the truth"

Kajal rolled her eyes on him

"Ummm..... Kajal I think you both have to be cordial with each other because.... Zindagi to ab saath me bitani hai na, ".... Kavya said making her understand.
(After all you both have to spend the life together)

Kajal thought something and then nodded her head lightly.

After having their food they call it a night . Karan drop her at her new home and went away with Kavya.

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