47. Not My Baby

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Vanessa was running faster than she had ever run before. Despite every cell in her body calling to her to stay close to her mate, her soul seemed to be looking ahead. The wolf with golden eyes and baby Alba was north of her. She didn't know how she knew, but she didn't question that she did. Too many strange things had happened tonight. What was yet another one?

She slipped through the city unnoticed even though plenty of people were still out partying and hanging out of doorways downtown. No one called out in fear of the giant dog rushing past them.

Vanessa stuck to the shadows and, she realized when she had to cross a brightly lit square, the shadows stuck to her. She wondered if there was more to the charm Madame Genevieve had placed around her neck than the second chance she would give to the kidnapper once she'd placed it around his neck. Or perhaps there had been more to the potion she'd drunk?

It didn't matter, Vanessa decided. So long as it made her journey through the city simpler she'd take it.

Soon she noticed that she was gaining on them. There seemed to be a bond between her and baby Alba just like there was a bond between her and Green. In her mind's eye she could see it reaching out between them like pale white moonlight.

If she hadn't been so focused on moving quickly and stealthily she would have wondered what it was and how it had formed. As things were, she only felt gratitude that it was there so she didn't have to waste time and energy tracking.

She caught up with them a few miles outside the city. The yellow wolf was running through a quiet neighborhood of small wooden houses and well-maintained lawns.

Vanessa was trying to decide whether or not jumping him from behind might risk harming the baby when he caught her scent and turned.

He was smart enough to not try to speed up in an attempt to outrun her. Instead he carefully put the child down on the curb and turned to face her.

Vanessa transformed back to her human form. The wolf form was better for fighting, but she had decided to at least try negotiating first. She'd promised Madame Genevieve not to kill him and she'd run a bigger risk of breaking that promise if she tried to put the necklace on him while they were both trying to rip each other's throats out.

"Let her go!" she growled.

He remained in his wolf form and snarled at her.

"I don't want to fight you," she said. "I want the baby. She's only a couple of hours old. She needs her parents."

The wolf growled.

"Do you want her to die?" Vanessa asked. "Is that why you ran all this way with her? Some sort of messed up ritual that..."

She cut off when the yellow wolf transformed into a blond man who looked just as feral.

"Never!" he snarled back. "I'm bringing her home to serve her. She's the white wolf, the one we've been waiting for."

"She's what?" Vanessa asked, feeling herself freeze up. "What did you call her?"

"The white wolf. Haven't you seen her hair? She's been kissed by the Moon Goddess and now I will deliver to her loyal servants."

"She's not... what?" Vanessa sputtered.

"You know what I'm talking about. You know of the prophecy."

"Yes, but... I didn't think... what?"

"The prophecy of the high priest said you were to deliver the white wolf," he said with a bow that looked completely out of place coming from a naked, skinny man. "So even though you betrayed us in a manner most foul, you did your duty and..."

Green - a werewolf storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz