5. Keeping It Together

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She rolled around and aimed a bite at the neck of what she had no doubt of was the brown wolf, but her head stopped mid-air as she caught the brown wolf's scent and froze. Rain and chocolate and ... something else. It felt vaguely familiar, but she couldn't remember why. It was absolutely wonderful. 

She inhaled deeply and shifted so that she could snuggle closer to him. She could sense his confusion over her complete change of heart, but he didn't seem to mind as she buried her nose in his fur. It was like being wrapped in silk.

He slowly let her up and she felt his tongue lick the side of her face and ears, making her skin tingle as he touched her. That too felt familiar, but she was too busy enjoying the sensations to bother with trying to remember what it reminded her of. This was bliss, she thought and briefly wished she had been a werecat instead of a wolf and able to purr.

Having to make do with the expressions available to her, she licked him back. Over his ear, his cheek, his muzzle. She heard him growl deeply and for a second opened her eyes to look deeply into his.

Green. Startling green and glittering like the memory of a mountain lake on a summer's day. Vanessa gulped. There was no way she'd run into two guys with that same color within two days. He had followed her, he had found her and she had licked his face. Awesome.

She pulled back from him and he blinked at her in confusion. When he took a step towards her, she growled. She could not let him come closer. She did not trust herself with him closer. The alluring scent of him was still making her mouth water and she had to hold herself back to keep from jumping him.

He narrowed his eyes, obviuosly pissed at her reaction. He kept pushing forward. She backed away. Now his ears were down and he was growling back at her. 

Growl away, pretty boy, Vanessa thought. You're not cominganywhere near th... He had jumped and pinned her to the ground, his teeth locked around her neck before she had time to blink. Okay that, she had to admit, was impressive. It was also incredibly inconvenient.

She tried to scratch him, but he held her arms down and growled warningly. Vanessa was pretty sure that he didn't want to actually hurt her, but he wasn't going to let go until she submitted and stopped tryingto claw his eyes out. She couldn't do that. Submitting would lead to more licking and that would lead to ... other things that she was not going to think about at this particular juncture in time. She didn't know if she had enough self-restraint to push him away a second time.

He pressed his teeth a little bit further into her neck and she swore and decided to play to her strengths. Brains over brawn. She let herself become limp in his grip and offered up more of her neck to him, even adding a whimper for good measure.

He gave her a last warning growl and let up before taking a step back. She heard him shift back, but determinedly kept her eyes closed. Her imagination did not need to see him naked in his human form. It was running wild enough as it was.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" he asked, his voice hardly more than an angry growl.

She resolutely remained motionless on the ground, not showing any sign that she'd heard him. If I ignore him, he'll go away, she told herself, knowing it was never going to happen. He'd already chased her through several states.

"You're my mate! Why do you run from me? And what were you thinking trying to fight me? What the hell is wrong with you?"

She jerked back a little as she felt him advance on her until he was standing right beside her, looking down at her.

"Look at me," he ordered.

She shook her head, still keeping her eyes shut.

"I said look at me!"

Green - a werewolf storyWhere stories live. Discover now