Chapter 8

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I didn't say much during lunch, just listened. It was the best way to learn what was going on in someone's world. Amber and Michael were a couple. Josie and Evan weren't, but they seemed like they should be. They reminded me of how Nolan and I were in high school.

My phone vibrated at quarter 'til one, and I begged out. Nolan looked hurt. I didn't say why, just that I had a meeting. Maybe that was my mistake. There wasn't anything to hide. I just didn't want to share with his friends. Professor Miklovich and I talked for almost an hour, and she explained her research in such passionate detail, I couldn't say no. She was elated, and we agreed to a tentative schedule. I had to practically run to the library to start my long shift.

"Hey," Kelly said when I got behind the desk. She pointed over her shoulder to a mess of returns. "Saved a present for you."

I almost laughed. "Thanks. How's Hickney?"

"He'll be okay. It wasn't as bad as he thought, just a sprain." She shrugged, but a smile played at her lips. "You would've thought the big, bad football player had shattered his leg. He's such a baby when it comes to getting hurt."

I did laugh then. Nolan had been the same way when he hurt his ankle running at the beginning of our junior year. I'd nursed him through it. "At least it's not serious." I stared at the mess of books and started organizing. Once I had a full cart, I pushed it to the swinging double gate. "I'll be back."

"Okay. Hey, don't forget to turn your phone on vibrate. I'll text you if I need help." Kelly smiled at a guy who stepped up to the counter with five books, and I was on my own.

I'd actually forgotten to turn my phone back on once my meeting ended. After not having one for four years, it was easy to forget about it. My phone was just that, a phone. I didn't have a lot of apps or social media anymore. Mostly, I used it for the school's app, scheduling, and texting. It powered on as I pushed the cart into the elevator.

Then a message popped up.

Did they scare you off? Nolan had sent right after my meeting started. That was two hours ago. He must've thought I was blowing him off again.

Not at all. I had a meeting. I wasn't sure how much to tell him or to not tell him. He didn't respond right away, and I wasn't sure if I was disappointed or not. This was all too confusing.

I threw myself into my job. The library was my home away from home. I felt more comfortable around the books than I did around most people. After my parents died, that was all I had. My grandmother had a vast collection in her house and no TV. She limited my time on the internet, too. There wasn't a lot else to do. So I read everything. The only place I went alone was the local library.

It was almost nine when my phone vibrated in my back pocket, scaring the crap out of me. Kelly had left at eight, and Michelle, the evening librarian, never texted if she needed help. Helena would, but she wasn't working tonight. I pulled the phone out of my pocket and smiled.

Date or meeting? Nolan asked.

Meeting. I put my phone back in my pocket and clocked out, ignoring the vibration of a new message until I got outside.

Was it a good meeting? He added two unnecessary question marks.

I started to text him back, but then I changed my mind. It would be easier to talk, so I hit the call button and he picked up immediately.

"Hey," he said somewhat breathlessly.

"Hi. It was a good meeting." I almost laughed again. It had been a long time since I had felt this little bubble of happiness inside my chest.

"Tell me about it."

I smiled and imagined him sitting in his bed or laying back, putting the book he was reading down. My pulse skipped, and I had to yank that image from my head. "Um... okay." I launched into the details, leaving nothing out about Professor Miklovich. Not even the birthmark on her upper lip that seemed to smile on its own. "But she's nice, and she's passionate about this project."

"That's fantastic. Did you accept the job?" Nolan stifled a yawn.

"Of course." I paused and glanced around. Somehow, I'd slowed down while I talked to him. I'd just passed the fountain in front of the student union. It was still early enough, and there were plenty of others around. I picked up my pace to get home and focused my attention back on Nolan. "Are you tired?"

"A little. We had a hard workout today. Coach had us do squats in our skates." He chuckled, and it turned into a yawn. "And I didn't sleep well last night. Too much on my mind, I guess."

"Like what?" I asked as I crossed the street toward the apartment complex.

"Honestly. You." He sighed, and I tripped over the curb, almost dropping my phone. "You okay?"

"Yeah, no. I... you just took me by surprise. That's all." I glanced around again. Why, I wasn't sure. This conversation had taken an intimate turn, and I didn't want anyone else to hear it. I lowered my voice. "I ... I've been thinking about you too."

He didn't say anything as I climbed the steps to my door.

"Maybe we should talk about that," he whispered. "Maybe we should talk about everything and stop beating around the bush."

I took a deep breath and inhaled sharply. "Maybe we should."


The knock was barely loud enough to hear, even though I stood on the other side of the door. I pulled it open before Grace's fist fell to her side. Her eyes widened, and I fought the urge to reach for her, pull her to me.

I stepped back to let her in. She was still in the same jeans she'd worn earlier, but she had changed into a simple white button-down shirt with thin pink stripes. Her messenger bag hung from her shoulder with the strap clutched tight in her hands. A princess diamond ring circled her middle finger on her right hand. I hadn't noticed that before. Was she with someone? I didn't even think to ask her. There was so much to talk about.

"Hey," I said as she turned to face me. That's when I noticed the gold necklace. It wasn't anything expensive or flashy. Just a simple circular charm with her initials G.A. in a cursive script. I'd given it to her on her sixteenth birthday. I pointed at it. "You still have it?"

She fingered the charm. "I never take it off."

It was as if the world stopped just for this moment. I stared into her hazel eyes, and I swear I saw the same emotions I felt. The same churning of desire, need, want, love. I still loved her. I would always love this woman. There wasn't any hesitation as I finally reached for her. My fingers curled into her soft hair at the base of her neck, and I pulled her toward me. Her bag fell to the floor in a loud thunk as she reached for me.

Then my lips found hers. It was soft, gentle, and so exotic. I'd kissed her before on prom night, but that was two scared teens who were exploring each other for the first time. This was different. This was two adults who needed each other. Or one adult who needed the other. I didn't want to rush this. I didn't want to ruin this.

"Gracie," I said against her lips. "I—"

"Don't," she whispered. "Just kiss me, Nolan."

She pressed her lips to mine again, and I lost any sense of being a gentleman. I tightened my arms around her waist, pushing her toward my room. Silently, I thanked my roommates for not coming out of theirs, but they were probably out after that workout. My body was more awake than it had been in years.

I closed the door behind us. 

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