Chapter 10

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I woke up in a strange place, a heavy arm over my waist and a thick leg pressed between mine. Panic set me scrambling to free myself. The arm tightened.

"Gracie?" Nolan's voice was groggy, heavy with sleep.

I swallowed and rolled over to face him. The night came back to me in a rush of confusion. I pressed my lips together. "Sorry. I... that happens sometimes when I don't know where I am."

He smiled but sleep still held on to him. "It's okay." He struggled to keep his eyes open. "What time is it?"

I lifted on my elbow and glanced at the old school alarm clock on his nightstand. "Five."

One eye popped open. "Stay with me a little longer."

I snuggled against him, but that question bothered me. "Did you think I was going to leave?"

"I don't want you to leave, Gracie." He kissed the top of my head. "I keep thinking this is a dream. I'm scared you'll disappear."

I swallowed, my hand pressed against his chest. "I never wanted to leave to begin with."

"I know," he said, and I had to keep reminding myself that he was still half-asleep. "You were stolen from me."

I smiled and kissed his chest. Nolan moaned, rolling onto his back and pulling me on top of him. He cupped my neck and kissed me, morning breath and all. Not that I cared. I'd kiss him with the worst halitosis on the planet.

His thick cock throbbed between my legs. I reached down, guiding him inside me.

Nolan moaned. "Gracie."

I sat up, riding him slowly until I went over the edge. Nolan followed me quickly. I fell against his chest, our bodies still connected. Nolan's hand dug into my hair while the other caressed my hip and up my spine.

"I never stopped loving you," he whispered against my neck. "I've always loved you."

I froze and his arms tightened around me. All of these years, I'd dreamed of hearing Nolan say those words. I'd imagined it so many different ways, so many different versions. It didn't seem real. Not after everything I'd been through, all the time we lost.

"Too soon?" His body tensed beneath mine. "I've been waiting years to tell you that. I just couldn't wait anymore." He pressed his body into the bed and pushed at my shoulders, so I had to look at him. I could drown in his gaze and in the truth I saw there. There wasn't anything but his affection. He handed his heart over without a single doubt. "I'm not sorry I said it."

I bit my lip and out of nowhere a giggle escaped. When was the last time I'd giggled? I honestly couldn't remember, but I was fairly certain it was with Nolan. My cheeks hurt from the wide smile that spread across my face. My chest felt light, free. And I still ached for more of him.

"Gracie? You okay?" Nolan's hands rubbed up and down my arms, warming me in more ways than one. I loved his soft touch.

I nodded slowly. The words, the emotions were just within reached. I opened and closed my mouth as I forced the feelings into words. "I think... I think I'm truly happy for the first time since she took me away." It was like a boulder had lifted from me. A laugh shot out and I looked away from him, not sure how he'd react. His hands kept their steady caress.

Nolan's room was exactly what I would've expected it to be. Messy, unorganized, and just a disaster the federal government wouldn't touch. My gaze stopped at a frame on the crowded dresser. Mixed in with the hockey gear, dirty shirts, and a watch was a picture of us from prom night. He really had held on to me even though he had no idea where I'd gone or what I'd been through. The weight on my chest lessened more, and I closed my eyes to relish the feeling of freedom that came with it. This was where I was meant to be. This was who I was meant to be with. This was really my home.

"Nolan," I said turned back toward his worried face, "I love you, too."

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