The new girl

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Lydia's pov:

I was at Argent's old office building. We had been fixing it up a bit, to temporarily house the few kids we managed to save from Monroe so far.
So far so good, she has not found us yet. I am fixing up a new stretcher bed , because Stiles called me, telling me he and Scott would be
bringing in a new girl. Her name is Ella i think, Ella Grayson. She is a 18 year old werewolf from Susanville,just outside Beacon Hills,
who has been hunted by Monroe's Mann for the last two weeks. We are constantly trying to track Monroe and her Mann, to find out who she is hunting,
so we could get there first and save the poor kids.

I'm just about to put the covers on the bed, when Scott and Stiles come walking in, looking like they went through hell and back.
They are followed by a scared looking blond girl. Stiles has cutt's all over his face and it looks like his arm is bleeding badly.
I immediately run over to him and throw myself in his arms. "Oh my god you look like hell...what happend? are you hurt?" i ask with
fear in my voice , backing off a bit, holding him by his shoulders and looking him over for more injuries.

He laughs his cute little laugh that shows his dimpels at that. I could really listen to that sound all day. It always
relaxes me immediately. "No...just a cutt on the arm from one of those damn knifes those assholes always seem to carry. Nothing too
bad..."he anwsers. "Get over there so i can have a look at it...i really need you to look out for yourself more don't
have werewolf healing!!" i say a little mad pointing to one of the chairs by the table. "Ha!! see i told you mann " Scott mocks
Stiles a little and gives him a bump on the schoulder. They both laugh. "Babe huh? i like that..." Stiles says wiggling his eyebrows and laughs.
I just realised that i never actually called him patnames before. It just sliped out. But i'm not gonna admit that so i just give him a look.
"Okay Okay..I know..i'm sorry.." he says, raises his hands in mock surrender, and shows of his little half sided smirk which always manages
to make me melt. I sigh...rolling my eyes and smiling a little at him. "Thank tell me what happend." i tell him while we are walking
over to the table.

I make Stiles sitt down on one of the chairs and get out the first aid kit. I have a look at the cut and it doesn't seem to be too deep.
So i just have to clean it, putt a little desinfective alcohol on it and bandage it up. Thank god it's not so bad. I still remember one
of the first times they came back with a new kid. Stiles had been bleeding so badly. On the way to the jeep to get out of there, one of
Monroe's Mann had shot at him and the bullet scraped his shoulder. Luckily it was just a scrapeshot, but he had been bleeding so badly,
we had to take him to the Hospital and Melissa had to fix him up with Morvine because it hurt so much. Ever since that day i'm terrified
everytime they get out to go after Monroe.

"We were tracking them back to the Preserve. They were trying to drive  her to the edges so she would have nowhere to run, when two of them
jumped us from a tree. We were able to fight them off and get to her. On Lookout Point we had to knock out 3 more to get her out of there
before they could call for back up." Scott tells me. "This is Ella by the way...Ella this is Lydia." he turns around to introduce me to the girl.
I look up from bandaging Stiles's arm and smile at her. "Hi nice to meet you" "hi nice to meet you too" she replies and then turns to look
at Stiles. "So that's the lucky girl huh? nice.." she says and he just smiles at her and winks.

She turns back to me and says "Better take good care of that one...he's a keeper." and then she winks at me. Okay...what was that about?
Scott looks between Ella and Stiles and then putts his hand on her schoulder "Why don't i show you around? introduce you to the others?"
he says and leads her away. "Okay..that was weird...What did she mean by that?" i ask Stiles. "Beats me..." he replies shrugging his schoulders.
I look over to the other side of the room at Ella, and notice her looking directly at Stiles. I thought i saw something flash in her eyes, but
just as fast as it came, it was gone. She looks up and begins to talk animatedley to another new kid named Jeremy.

I look back at Stiles, but he haddn't notice her looking at him. He was tugging at his bandages, then looks up at me and smiles his
heartmelting dimpel showing smile at me. God i love his smile. Okay Lydia that's enough..focus! i tell myself as i sit on
his lapp, putt my arms around his neck and give him a little kiss. He sighs and looks at me, still smiling. "So..while i have been out
saving little girls from badguys...what has been happening here?" he smirks at me.

I playfully smack him on the shoulder and laugh. "Not much has been a quiet day so far." "Hhmm good...that means they haven't figured
out we are here yet.." he replies. He gives me a sweet little kiss and bumps his nose with mine, before leaning his forehead against mine.
"Should we go see what the girls have been cooking up? ...I'm starving.." he asks. I just laugh and get up, holding my hand out for him.
'Always starving this one' i think to myself, as he takes it and we make our way over to the improvised little kitchen erea.

It smells delicious. The girls have done a great job in cooking up a big pott of macaroni. It's not the most nutricious food in the world,
but it's easy to make and there is lott's of it. Which is a good thing because our numbers are increasing. I'm sitting next to Stiles and
i'm just about to putt some food on my plait, when the others come to sitt at the table. I notice that Ella is almost running to take the
chair on the other side of Stiles. She smiles brightly at him and bats her eyelashes. He just looks at her for a second and smiles
before returning to his conversation with Argent, about the new tasers Argent had just brought. What is up with this girl?
I don't know what it is about her, but she gives me weird vibes. But that could possibly just be, because i get the feeling that
the little blond is developing a little crush on MY BOYFRIEND.

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