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Stiles's pov:

It's been a quiet few days. No sign of Monroe and her mann, and even here it seems like things are finally getting back to peacefull after the whole Ella and Lydia drama. I think Ella finally got the point. These days you see her constantly arround Jeremy and she and Aliza are like eatch others shadows. Good...i think she really needed a friend and the whole crush thing was just that, feeling lonley in a new invironment and needing a friend. I have been working out with the boys for most of the day so i'm heading for the showers, when i hear someone singing. Wow...that sounds pretty beautiful actually...i wonder who it is. I turn in the direction it's comming from. Seems like it's comming from the living room so i walk over there, and i'm not the only one who is curious apparently, because a lot of the other guys are heading there too.

Well have you's Aliza. Who would have thought that such a voice could come frome such a small girl. When she spotts us she stops and goes quite and red in the face. "OH uhhmm i annoy you? i'll stop i'm sorry" she says. We all tell her that she wasn't annoying

us and that she has a beautiful voice. "Where did you learn to sing like that? i mean did you ever take any lessons?" i ask her. "Uhm no.. actually Ella has been encouraging me latley...i have a little problem with anxiety, so she told me that singing always seems to calm her down, and when i tried with her she said i had a lovely voice and that i should do it more often. And it does seem to help a bit with the anxiety."

I suddenly get a little more sympathy for Ella , a small little warm feeling towards the girl. "Wow that's nice of her...and she is right by the do have a lovely voice." i tell her and the boys agree with me.

Look at that...i knew Ella was a sweet kid. Encouriging others and helping them with their problems...i don't really know what Lydia's big problem is with the girl. Okay so i get that she thought that Ella was kind of flirting with me, but hey she can't help who she gets a crush on right? that's not really her fault. And i mean she is kind of cute when you think about it...those big blue eyes and long blond hair...and eyelashes so long they throw shadows on her pink cheeks...OMG!!! STILES!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??? WHERE THE HELL DID THAT COME FROM?? YOU HAVE A PERFECT GIRLFRIEND WHOME YOU LOVE YOU IDIOT!!! YOU'VE GOT LYDIA ...THE GIRL YOU HAVE BEEN IN LOVE WITH FOR ALMOST 11 YEARS!!! YOU FINALLY GOT HER SO WHY WOULD YOU BE THINKING ABOUT ELLA'S PERFECT EYELASHES?? OMG!! YOU'RE DOING IT AGAIN YOU MORON!!! THEY ARE NOT PERFECT!!! THEY ARE JUST EYELASHES ON PERFECT OCEAN BLUE EYES....

I have to litterally shake my head to clear it of those thoughts. What the actuall hell was that? what's wrong? why am i thinking like this? of Ella of all people...i should be thinking of the perfect strawberry blond with the most amazing emarald green eyes that loves me,and not about some little girl that has a silly little crush on me. I really need a shower...maybe that will help me clear my mind. So i tell Aliza that i'm gonna take off and talk to her later. Just when i walk out of the living room erea, i bump into Lydia. "Oh hey there handsome" she says smiling at me. It's a good thing Lydia can not read minds, because she would have chopped my head off just now. Wow shitt i feel guilty.. and i don't even know why...i didn't do anything. I was just momentarily out of my mind....yeah that's it...

"You okay babe?" she asks looking at me worried, and i realize that i haven't responded to her yet. "Oh yeah totally...sorry baby i was just in my own little ADHD bubble there.." i tell her with a small smile. PPFFUUHH good save Stiles i think to myself, when she just smiles at me and

stands on her tiptoes to give me a kiss. "What are you up to?" she asks me with a smile. "Oh i'm just gonna hit the showers...have been working out with the guys." i tell her. "Yeah..i can see know next time you should let me know so i can come enjoy the vieuw."

she says in a seductive voice and walks two fingers over my chest, while biting her bottom lip and looking up at me. HOLY SHIT!!!

I give her a little smirk and tell her teasingly sarcastic "Oh so you like watching sweaty little boys now huh?" She just plays along and says "Oh yeah for sure...i actually enjoy the vieuw of a certain sweaty teacher more though.." Damn she has to stop doing that or i just forget about my shower and just drag her away.

"Oh yeah? and who might that be? because i think i'm going to have to kick his ass for making my girl go all hot and botherd." i continue our little game. "Oh definatly...yeah i think i just saw him walking that way.." she says still in a seductive voice and points in the direction of the bedroom erea. Damn..."Yeah? well then i really do need that shower now to calm down so i don't go and fight the guy..but i think i'm gonna have to keep my eyes on you, so you don't go off making googly eyes at him while i'm i have no choice but to take you with me then huh?" i ask smirking at her and looking her deep in the eyes. "Hhhmmm.. i guess so.."she says looking up seductively and then bites her lip again. JEZUS CHRIST!! i think while i take her hand, smirk at her again and lead her out in the hall and towards the showers.

All thoughts of a certain blue eyed blond forgotten.

The next few days are pretty weird though. I just catch myself more and more often looking at Ella or thinking about her...I don't know what the hell is going on, but it kind of feels like i'm falling for the petite little blond. And the worst part is that i don't even seem to mind. Maybe having idolized Lydia for like 11 years made reality kind of not live up to what i thought it would be? Am i just getting bored with her after loving her for so long? Did i ever even really love her or was it just because i couldn't have her? NO!! NO STILES WHAT ARE YOU EVEN THINKING?? YOU LOVE LYDIA!! YOU DO!! OKAY? SO STOP THINKING ABOUT ELLA!!!

Turns out i can't though...I find myself more and more annoyed with Lydia and more often hanging out with or helping Ella with stuff. Or even just having conversations with her..She turns out to be pretty smart actually ...and she can sing too. She and Aliza seem to be singing all the time these days and i love listening to it. It sounds amazing, and me and the other boys gather around them whenever they would sing. I do think that i'm pissing off Lydia though because she is acting very irritated and cold towards me. Even when i tell her that there is nothing going on between me and Ella. Which there isn't. We are just becomming good friends, but Lydia doesn't like it one bitt. She is just over reacting. So much even, that she did not sleep in our bed last night. I would never cheat on her, i'm not that big of an asshole. But i do have to admit that i really am beginning to feel like i'm falling in love with Ella. I'm just so confused.

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