Ch 20

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Liam Moonhovan

I sighed as the crowd and loud noises began to overwhelm me. I hadn't yet finished my first drink, and the fact that it didn't contain any alcohol didn't help me relax.

"Hey Stanger,"  I turned around to find Enzo taking a seat next to me. 

"How the heck did you get here so fast?" I questioned, my eyes inquisitively on him. It hadn't even been ten minutes since I texted him, not to mention the line outside.

 "I was in the area." He shrugged. As the bartender approached us and smiled at Enzo and said, "Good evening, Mr. Toun."

"Gerald! How are things going for you?" Enzo inquired in his normal cheery tone, albeit his muscular scary appearance didn't seem to suit his character.

 At this point  I'm not sure why I was surprised that he'd made friends with the bartender as well. Enzo looked about contemplating what to get after they ended their small talk about how they were doing. 

His eyes settled on the glass in front of me. He pointed to my drink and said, "I'll have one of what he's drinking."

"Are you sure? It's a virgin cocktail" I warned. 

"yea I'll have one" He said as Gerald nodded and walked away. 

"You're a regular here?" I was perplexed as to how he knew the bartender's name. 

"Sure, you could say that" he mumbled. "It's interesting that you're here "As he put his arm on the bar counter, he pointed out rotating his chair to face me. 

"Zach dragged me out again" I shrugged and he chuckled knowingly "but to be honest, it's nice to get away from all the work," I admitted as I drew the straw to my lips and took a sip.

 Enzo exclaimed dramatically, "Wow, I never imagined I'd hear those words from you."

 "Neither did I," I joked.

"How's everything going with my fave Moonhovan?" He asked. 

"Me? I'm doing fantastic "I responded with a witty remark. 

He clarified, "I meant Alexis."

 I faked an offended look before sighing. "She's fine. Did you know your cousin was her teacher?" I reminisced about the conference, which I'd forgotten about until today. 

We quickly became engrossed in a discussion on many topics and our week.

I was trying to tune out all the noises and people while we chatted, but I was starting to feel suffocated and overwhelmed. "So I said to him- Liam?" Are you ok?" As he set his glass down, Enzo asked, his face and eyes filled with concern. 

"Yeah, I'm Fine." I said trying to shake it off and not ruin the mood by making him worried "Continue your story" I insisted. 

"You don't seem too good" Enzo said pressing the matter. 

"I'm just not used to this setting. That is all there is to it" I shrugged, attempting to dismiss it, but he was clearly not letting it go.

 "Then let's get out of here."

I was perplexed as I gazed up at him. "Come on," he said, grasping my hand, which was smaller than his, and yanking me off the stool, causing me to stumble and collide with his chest. 

It reminded me of when we went ice skating. I couldn't help but wonder how it felt to lie on his chest, but I quickly shook my thoughts away and pushed back from him. He yelled something to Gerald before dragging me through the crowd to a back exit I had no idea existed.

It wasn't until we came to a stop outside the door that I noticed our hands were still linked, and I swiftly drew away, while he seemed to pause before lowering his hand to his side and going ahead. It was good to be out in the fresh air, and the music was just faintly audible as I trailed behind him.

When we arrived at his car, he unlocked it and opened the passenger door for me. "Where are we going?" I questioned as I came to a halt in front of the vehicle. 

"A secret spot." Leaning on the hood, Enzo replied.

 "A secret spot? What are you? Alexis' age mate ?" I inquired, chuckling. 

" I swear you'll like it." He was adamant.

 "Nope. Plus I have to drive Zach home" I said about to turn back.

 "Oh come on. We'll be back before you know it. I promise"

I groaned and threw my hands up in defeat after turning around and looking at him for a second. If I already agreed to let Zach drag me here why not just go with him?  I thought watching him light up and go over to the drivers side as I got into the passengers shutting the door. We kept the conversation light until he pulled over in the middle of nowhere.

"What the fuck? Did you bring me here to kill me or something?" I asked looking around at the woods and hearing owls and other noises. 

Enzo chuckled as he stepped out of the car, pausing he noticed I didn't follow. He stared at me through his open door and motioned for me to follow him "No, I'm not going to murder you." He said sarcastically. I wasn't going to do it till he shut the door behind him and started walking away.

"Ok ok, I'm coming. Just wait up!" I called out once I realized I'd be left here alone. 

As I got out he locked the car, and turned around with a grin on his face. 

"So where are we?" I inquired as I followed closely behind him. I could smell his cologne, it was somewhat comforting. Not that I'll ever admit that to anyone of course.

"This place has one of the best views especially at night." He said as we trekked up the hill. brushing a tree branch away from his face, but I just had to duck slightly to escape them.

 "I'm beginning to regret this," I replied as I ducked beneath another branch.

"We're nearly there. And the view is really stunning "Enzo smiled as he turned back to face me. "Yeah, whatever," I muttered, my gaze falling to the ground.

 Why did my heart race quicker and my stomach feel like it was squeezing in when I stared into his beautiful brown eyes, but when I looked into any of those girls' same colored eyes, I either felt nothing or disgust? What was it about his eyes that made them so special? 

"We're here," Enzo declared, jolting me out of my thoughts.

I raised my eyes to see all of the lights from the buildings in front of us. 

"No way," I gushed as I rushed by him towards the crest of the hill, brushing my hair back to keep it from blocking my vision. "isn't this the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?" I smiled at him, forgetting that I was letting myself be myself in front of him and fucking giggled.

 He didn't move from where I left him, and he whispered something incomprehensible in response.

"Did you say something?" I inquired as I approached him. "Is everything okay with you? You look like you have a fever" Looking across at his bright red face, I began to worry. "Maybe the trek up here took a heavier toll on you than on me." I joked. 

He didn't say anything to ease my fears. "Are you okay, Enzo?" I reached over and grabbed his wrist, tugging his hand away from his face. 

"I said. You're even more beautiful" He murmured causing my brain shut off as I tried to process his words. Maybe I just completely misheard him.

Before I could even react, or ask me to repeat himself.

 He leaned forward, his lips met mine in a soft gentle kiss, I felt him change my grip on his wrist so he was holding my hand and pulling my body closer to his.


.....Enjoy it before the next few chapters <3

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