ch 23

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Liam Moonhovan

"Just talk to me, Zach" I urged as I slipped onto the elevator, causing him to roll his eyes. 

He crossed his arms and stated, "Unless it's about work. I have nothing to discuss with you."

 "Really?" I said, my gaze fixed on him.

 "You're the one who told me to keep my personal and professional lives separate," he added as the elevator halted on our floor. 

This had been going on for the whole week, as well as into the weekend. He was never at home and never told anyone where he was.

I can tell you that the feeling of someone you love and trust the most hating and avoiding you is really fucking shitty. 

We hadn't spoken in a week, and it was Monday again. I was gradually losing my mind and felt tense about everything. I'd had enough and followed him to his office, slamming the door.

"What are you doing?" He questioned, angrily, as he turned around. 

"I need to talk to you. Please, this is absurd "I said leaning on the door

"I'm the one being ridiculous?" He inquired, enraged. 

"That's not what I said," I said, my voice soft. 

"Then what is it?"   He yelled. 

"I can't take it anymore." I murmured "I'm sorry I never told you I'm gay I just didn't want this to happen.... I don't want you to hate me. I can't handle it you're my best friend for God's sake" I said, disregarding the fact that my voice was quivering.

"Why don't you see that's not the reason I'm angry? I don't hate you because you like dick; in fact, I don't care what you prefer." He said throwing his hands up. "I'm upset because you call me your best friend, yet you don't feel comfortable telling me these things or asking me for help, Liam,"   He drew nearer to me. "I'm angry because you thought I'm such a horrible person as to cut off our friendship and hate you for that" He shouted, "I'm upset because I thought I was someone you could trust, but obviously not. I'm upset at myself because I assumed it was a female and couldn't see you suffering, but I'm also angry at you because you never corrected me," he yelled as he came to a halt. 

"Zach, you know that's not how I meant it" I said in a low tone.

 "So, what exactly did you mean? Because that's how it looks" He stated.

"I couldn't think straight because I was afraid of losing you." I confessed. 

"Obviously not, if you're sleeping with men now." I looked up as he snorted. It's only Zach who could ever randomly switch things up and make a joke out of it. "Listen, I understand how scary it is to come out.....Not that I relate, but you get the idea "He said calming down. "I'm also sorry for being so childish about it. Instead of ignoring you and making you think I hate you, I should have just talked to you."

"I'm sorry too though. I should have been honest from the start" I said smiling at him. 

"So go ahead and do it. I wanna hear all the juicy details I can tell Enzo's packing if you know what I mean" He smiled sitting down on the small couch. 

 "Ew, you're so fucking disgusting." I said sitting besides him/

"What! He's good looking and has big dick energy. He looks like a total sex god" Zach chuckled leaning back.

I glared at him feeling a blush rise to me face at certain memories. "Are you sure you don't wanna come out too now?"

"Liam, I'm straight. Not blind, or stupid" He deadpanned making me roll my eyes and laugh. "Well, I'm waiting. Tell me everything"

So I told him everything that happened. Of course not in detail but how we met, how he kept bothering me, when he showed up randomly at my door, when we went out with Alexis, what happened on the hill. All of it.

"....and I haven't talk to him since" As my thoughts turned to Enzo, I sighed and looked down in my lap, feeling terrible. 

"Sometimes you're a fucking moron." Zach's laughter drew my attention to him.

 "Even I can see you're in love." He stated.

"Love?" I choked out the inquiry seemingly aimed at him, or more accurately, at myself. 

"Mmm, I'm starting to feel stupid for not seeing how you two were looking at each other. Oh, and that dreadful feeling you get when you're near him. You're blushing and nervous because you like him. That's why "his eyes are so fuck amazing and gorgeous it's out of this world," and that's quoted word for word." He said looking over at me amused as the realization hit me.

"Yeaaa. With you dense ass, the poor fella is in for a ride "He scoffed. 

"Oh fuck off." I said rolling my eyes. 

"So you've come to the realization that you're head over heels in love with him? and don't wanna lose him?" I chewed my lower lip nervously as I nodded to his question.

 I suppose I'd always known and had simply pushed it down in the hopes that it would go away.

 "Then answer this..." Zach said drawing my attention to him. "Why. The. Fuck. Is. You're. Ass. Still. On. My. Couch?" After every statement, he would smack me with the pillow.

 "Ok Ok I get it" I said shielding my head from the pillow. 

"Then go get your fucking man before it's too late," he yelled, hitting me once more.

"Ok ok." I got up and walked towards the door.

 "Are you sure?" I asked, my gaze fixed on him. 

"yesss. I'll take care of everything here "He stated it with a smile.

 "Thank you, I mean i-" The pillow being flung at my face shut me up. 

"OMG Liam just gooooo. You'll be able to thank me afterwards. He's been waiting for two goddamn weeks." He reminded me.

 "Right." Before returning, I nodded before peaking though the door again . "I don't know where to find him." I admitted realizing I didn't even know where he lived.

Zach groaned looking at me "You're hopeless."  He said as he picked up his phone "I know someone who might."  I realized it was that girl Madi after he spoke for a bit.

 Zach stated after hanging up, "He's at the club." "Oh, by the way, he already saw the article. Madi showed it to him," he added, making me raise an eyebrow.

"I may have shown it to her to rant about it without realizing she was friends with him then she told me after I was done ranting. Anyway I asked her not to tell him you're going there" he said. "Now go ahead. I need to call whoever wrote this and raise hell until it's taken down" He said shoo'ing me away. 

After I shot him a grateful smile  I dashed down to my car and drove  as quickly as the speed restriction would allow.

I really was a complete moron for letting Enzo go.



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