Drunken Confessions

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I closed my eyes tightly as the wind trickled through my hair. I hoped that when I opened my eyes that Benji wouldn't be there, he wouldn't have heard my conversation with Jared. My alcohol-induced state made me doubt Benji's voice, but I knew it was true.

Clasping the rails with my hands, I squeezed the bar tightly, causing my knuckles to turn white as I did so. As I ran my fingers over the surface of the metal, I could almost feel a slight dent. I am struggling to find the words to express myself and seek guidance on what to say. It is crossing my mind whether I can convince him that his experience was a figment of his imagination. Would he believe me if I said that he was drunk and imagining things?

"Loretta! I'm waiting! Are you a werewolf? I know I'm not imagining things!" He huffed out. I could hear the waver in his voice. I could smell his fear in the air. My heart ached that my only friend might be frightened of me.

"Benji," I sighed in pain, turning to face him. I could see him leaning against my balcony door frame. His eyes were shining with unshed tears. I could see his hand shake as he gripped the door frame. "Benji, please listen to me, I won't hurt you, you know I wouldn't," I sniffled.

Benji closed his eyes and sighed as he pushed himself off the frame and made his way back to the sofa. I followed him, my feet determined to catch up with him as he threw himself into the cushions. His head was pushed back as he struggled to balance himself, he lifted his face was leaning towards the ceiling. "Explain."

My mouth wanted to move, but the words were stuck in my mouth. I wanted to sit next to him to offer him comfort, but I could see his face was contorted in pain. There was something troubling him. I put my empty glass on the table and sat on the other side of the sofa. I crossed my legs, I focused my gaze on him.

"Benji, you know you imagined-" I said.

"Don't you say that I am too drunk to mishear what you just said! Do not lie to me. You said we were friends, so friends are honest with each other." He sighed.

"Your not scared of me?" I whispered quietly.


It was at that moment that I let out a belly laugh. He thought I was going to eat him? Is that what was going through his mind? I mean, sure wolves have killed and maimed people, but we're not barbaric. We don't eat people.

"No Benji, I will not eat you. We don't eat people." I said with a small smile.

"So you are a werewolf?" He emphasised.

"Yes. I am a werewolf, but it is complicated." I sighed.

"Well, I've got all night. I'm sure my boss won't mind." He retorted as he sat upright and faced me. He gave me a small wink and gestured with his hands for me to talk. I don't know why but I felt relieved at his reaction, it comforted me that maybe I might not lose my new friend. I didn't want him to look at me differently.

"Technically, I am a werewolf, but I haven't shifted into my wolf's form for about eight years. I thought I had lost my wolf. Until recent events, it turns out she abandoned me. She only recently came out of hiding, but I still haven't shifted. So I am basically a human, with a few enhanced abilities." I shrugged.

"Enhanced abilities? You sound like a marvel character. Did you get bitten by a radioactive wolf like Spider-Man?" Benji questioned.

I chuckled. "No radioactive wolf, I'm afraid. Born and raised as a wolf." I stated.

"So you were born a werewolf? Are there others like you? Why aren't you living with other wolfs? Why are you living with humans? Wait, we living with humans? Can you become a werewolf?" His questions were causing me to feel dizzy.

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