The Right Decision

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My wolf was silent after we departed from Jacob and his wolf. I could feel her sadness hum through the bond. Our wolves were silent and the tension was thick, neither of us knew what to say or how to break down the barrier. There was so much that needed to be said but such little time. There was not enough time to mend what needed to be fixed and even then I didn't think that what we had was redeemable. The only connection we had was what was between our wolves. 

My wolf didn't make me feel strong or powerful. She made me weak and needy. My heart was pounding at the decision I needed to make. I knew that time wasn't something I had but I couldn't accept my wolf abandoning me only to show her face when her mate showed his. Some may call it fate, him finding me after so many years. Maybe it was a coincidence that our paths crossed. My wolf was willing to accept her mate no matter what sin he committed. 

I could feel her love for Jacob's wolf and I could understand that they were soulmates, the way they entwined with each other and wrapped their bodies together. It was like he was her missing puzzle piece. Maybe if our human selves had grown together, we could have been happy, we would have been perfect for one another. However, I didn't feel that way towards Jacob. I didn't feel naturally in love with him. It felt forced. 

I knew that Jacob could sense my answer without speaking. I knew he was regretful of everything that had happened but no matter how many sorry's he dropped it wouldn't make a difference. How can I be with someone who was with my twin sister? It was impossible. I knew there was no love lost between them, but they had shared something once upon a time. It had to be strong for him to reject his true mate. 

I laid in my bed as the cool cotton sheets wrapped around me. I could feel my wolf getting weaker by the second. No matter how many hours, no matter how many minutes past, I couldn't forgive him for the mistakes of his past. He could have made the decision to resolve things years ago, but instead he creates a war because of his pride and ego. 

My phone vibrates on the table side. As I could at the screen I can see it is the one person I didn't want to deal with. For I saw him as the reason as to how Jacob found me. I swiped the call and answered the phone. 

"Hello Jared, may I ask why you are calling me near to midnight? Shouldn't you be in bed with your mate rather than pestering me." I sarcastically state. 

"Well hello to you too, I'm good thank you Loretta, how are you?" Jared muses on the phone. 

"I'm fine thank you, now get to the point why are you calling me at this time?" I reply. 

"Now, now, I thought we were friends." He jests. 

"More like acquaintances." I mumbled. 

"Friends, Loretta. Friends." Jared retorts. 

I let out a loud sigh. "What do you want? It's late, it's been a long day and I am tired." I explain. 

"Come on Loretta don't be like that." Jared says in a soothing tone. "Look I'm calling because I heard what was happening at your pack and I wanted to see if you needed someone to speak to. I know you may think we are acquaintances and maybe we were once upon a time. But I know why you refused to share your life story with me. I get it, I really do."  He sighs out. 

"How did you hear?" I grumble out as I clench my eyes close. 

"Loretta, you are the talk of the town. The news of Redbridge pack has travelled through America. It's the biggest gossip known to our kind. Jacob is the first Alpha to ever report himself to the council." He says sadly. 

"Yeah well I've only been here just over a week and it feels like I have been here a year. I'm sure you can understand why I didn't tell you how I knew about wolves." I replied. 

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