4.His touch, His spell

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I put a spell on you

Because you are mine


There are too many people here, I hastily make my way out of the sweaty bodies dancing wildly, music blasting through speakers making me feel my heartbeat.

I texted "Where are you, Ava? I reached the club."

People are making out, some are drinking at the bar, while I just stand in the middle, looking everywhere for her, my eyes narrowed noticing the second floor.

It seems stranded but I take the stairs to find a few people in the VIP section, but to the opposite, I find an opaque glass wall.

Nothing can be seen but I keep staring at the wall feeling a sheer curiosity to see what's on the other side of it. I feel the hairs stand on my neck as if someone is watching me, the music is faint as the silence screams at me to run, I don't know what came over me but I walk towards the wall.

Walking closer fear spiked through me yet I couldn't resist feeling like someone has put a spell on me. "Is someone here?" my heart races with my shaky voice.

No one is here you are just being paranoid rose.

Before I could turn around, I feel someone behind me, the already dim lights turned off, and everything went dark raising the panic of the unknown, my body becomes stiff.

I could hear the distinct footsteps approaching me, moving hastily, I looked for phone in my purse as I walked away from the wall. "Ouch ."I shrieked landing on my knees, because of tripping over something.

"My phone, where is it?" My hands trembled as my whole body feared the unknown, something is not right, and chills spread over my spine.

A little ting sound makes me realize it's at the right corner, Standing up, I feel someone's hands on my waist, I shrieked as he pulled me harshly, my back collided with his chest, his hand on my mouth muffling my scream as I struggle to move out of his arms. "Shh ." he cooed in my hair, his voice raspy as if soothing a wounded child.

"I'm not going to hurt you the more you struggle the more difficult it will be for you." I stilled hearing his threat, "You will be quiet won't you Rose? "He whispered in my ear, and I nodded weakly as he retreated his hand, I gulp in the oxygen greedily, and his hands touched my navel caressing my skin while his lips touched my neck making me whimper, "What do you want? " I whispered.

He chuckled "Aren't you curious pretty little thing?"

"Don't you know curiosity killed the cat?" He whispered darkly his hand circling my throat,his warm lips sucking on my neck and for a second, I feel pleasure roll over me before panic takes over.

I struggle violently, moving my limbs to get away but this time his hold on my waist turns bruising tight as his teeth nip at the skin of my neck "Your scent drives me crazy." he breathes in deeply, his head buried in my hair, "You shouldn't be here right now." I whimpered.

"Rose, you will go straight home, won't you? " He said with a demanding tone

"Do you understand me? "he says putting feathery kisses on my neck, I withered under his touch, his hold possessive,too tight too suffocating.

Desire course through my veins with fear

I wanted to turn around but I feel scared, scared of what he could do to me, when I didn't reply his hand twisted around my hair,, "Do you understand?" I gave a weak nod and he harshly tugged my hair "I need verbal answers .''

" Yes, I will go straight home." As soon as he removed his hold I ran.

Looking at my phone, Ava's texts appears

I am outside the VIP section, where are you, Rose?


After bringing Ava home safely, she was too drunk to stand up properly. I reached my home, the door opened with the familiar click.

I sighed leaning on the door feeling exhausted, thinking about the strange encounter, but more than that, what troubled me the most was how I didn't hate his touch as much as I should have been, his touch ignited a fire in my skin, it felt good, felt familiar.

Removing my jacket, I walked to the living room to find roses and a card, my hands reached out to touch the rose, sweet and fresh.

Who gave these? My hands reach out to read the card but little do I know how much of the troubled nights, I am going to face with the darkness taking over my life.

You don't know who I am,

but I know who you are.

I am coming for you be a good girl for me sweetheart, if you don't want me to punish you.


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