48. Rage

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My eyes closed in fear, sweat dripping from my face

The distance between me and death few seconds away

Just when I thought I would hear the sound of a gunshot

The door smashed against the wall making a loud voice

A guard came in

His eyes held panic "Someone has invaded the mansion"

Leah's head snapped towards Nichole
"It must be him"

"Get rose out of here I will handle him"

My lips curved into a smile

"He is here "I murmur feeling like I finally can breathe air

Nichole starts to remove the chains from my hands

As she frees me

I struggled to get away from them but Leah immobilized me by my waist

While Nichole tied my hands with a rope

No fear in her eyes

"You are doing a big mistake," I said

"Move, "she said dragging me towards the back door

the tight grip of her hand on my hair hurts like a bitch

I feel like my strands are ripped from my scalp

Nichole too distracted to open the door with the keys

I kicked her face with my right leg

She stumbled backward

The door opened and I ran

She screams my name while I run to escape

her voice fades as I ran far away
a sigh of relief escapes me but
"ahh" I screamed

Two guards came out of nowhere surrounding me

"No no leave me" I yelled when one of the guys backhanded me and threw me over his shoulder to put me in the car

"Stop it "I yelled

"Don't struggle bitch"

"Where are you taking me" I cried out

"To your death" they yelled laughing as if it was a joke

"Fuck you" I groaned

"Use that injection, "one of the guys says

I panicked struggling to get away from them kicking my legs to get away but they grab a hold of my wrist and inject me

They increase the speed of the car

"We are almost there," the man said to his partner

The car stops

I notice Nichole standing outside with a grin on her face

The guards drag me to her as I feel too weak to move my body

I want to move my limbs but I couldn't

She holds me by my arms laughing "how was the last ride of your life"

She drags me towards the edge of the cliff

My breath hitched when she wrapped her hand around my neck

I was dangling from the cliff with her hand on my throat

It was a long way down and the ocean

The waves crashing
the sky thundering

Tiny droplets of rain fall down on my face mixing with my tears

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